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excuse me while I bid my money on those fine titles you see up above

I would like to stand here and tell you that I'm not an emotional person, and truth is I use to not be. But now and days, I legit cry over everything I lay my eyes on.

I see baby.
I cry

I see someone do a good act
I cry

I see celebrities with children
I cry

I go to church
And I cry

I look at the sky
I cry

I go to school
I cry cause I'm about to get sent to the office for obliterating hoes who dare put my name in they dirty mouth.

But when it comes to wrestling,  I legit will curl up into a ball me cry my life away wether it's good news are bad.

The last time i really did that was that was November 22, 2015, which was my birthday and Roman won and lost his championship all in the same night.


when I say I criedddddddddddddddd I mean freaking cried. Then I cried again when Bray won but not as extreme.

The "You Deserve It" chant started and couldn't even speak I was crying so freaking hard.

Last night, two of the most underrated superstars of this period of wrestling won championships that they should have won a LONG time ago.

Don't even try to argue with me about that. When you get a job I would like to see you dedicated your time and put forth hard work towards a company that legit pays you nothing but dust, then hands opportunities and promotions to younger people who haven't been in the company as long as you, who are not as experienced as you, and are not as developed as you. When you do that, THEN you can speak on the topic of how "it's fair/unfair."

People don't get me wrong. I actually like Alexa. I believe she is HIGHLY talented. She works hard and I like that about her. I respect all wrestlers, that's me, that's what I'm known for.

But Naomi has been my girl for a long time.

Hunter made the remark that she was apart of the ORIGINAL NXT.

she finished 2nd in the 3rd season of NXT. SECOND. No not 1st, that was Kaitlyn. But SECOND. not DEAD LAST, that was Jamie Keyes.

And the last time I checked, Aksana, AJ lee, Kaitlyn, Jamie, and Maxine aren't in the WWE anymore.

Meaning Naomi's the last one left.

But yet people call her inexperienced. But I don't address ignorance.

It really amazes me that people are truly so upset about her winning.

Like honestly, I get some of y'all are sad that Alexa lost. I can understand that honestly. I'd be sad if my favorite lost too. That's exceptional to be sad.

But some of y'all are being so fucking extreme about it 🙄 you're embarrassing yourself stoooooop. Some of y'all look like children ranting with no explanations for why your saying what your saying 😂. Ain't nobody mad cept you, chill out. Rellllax. Smoke a blunt and relaxxx

Some of y'all legit act like your Alexa bliss yourself and your speaking on her half or something.

Look, I'm sorry to break it to y'all, I know this will break your heart to know this but someone's gone have to tell you:

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