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I need to speak.


I don't like Bayley.

I don't hate her, I just don't like her.

I think she's a good wrestler, but I feel as though she's aimed towards smaller children (which she is) and me because 17 years old cannot relate to her gimmick. The five year old version of myself would have feel in love with her, but I'm not five. There's nothing wrong with being an older age and liking her either, but for me, I just don't like her.

Ok. In the paragraphs above, I stated that I didn't like Bayley.

Many of you didn't know that.

I've never voiced it because what's the point?

Now I have stated that I dislike Bayley, that will be the only time you will probably hear that I'm not her biggest fan, unless it is brought up in a situation.

Did I trash her? No.

Did I bash her? No.

Did I describe all over her failures and then compare her to other wrestlers? No.

Have I, did I, or will I ever trash her fan base for adoring her even though I don't? Nah, not my style. I have so many better things to do.

Ok, so like, that wasn't as hard as I thought it was gonna be. Cause you know, i, like, thought, like, this was gonna, like, be so hard to, like, explain.

But it was super simple!!!

All I did was say that I didn't like her and now people know and now I can move on because what's the fucking- I mean freaking- I mean flipping point in repeating that I dislike her over and over and over and over and OVER when other people obviously DO like her.

I wanna be oh so petty right now but I'm trying so hard to be good and be a role model and to be a good Christian, but God has been testing meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

But not today Satan. I am not having this shit- I mean stuff.


Why do some of y'all constantly state negative opinions when most people really just don't care? Then when somebody calls you out for constantly having that persons name in your mouth/on your phone, you get mad?

You look like they're #1 fan with the amount you talk about them.

And when I 'y'all' I really mean 'whoever this applies to.' So if the shoe fits then lace that bitch up and strut.

A lotta y'all don't like my boy Roman. I'm cool with that honestly. the less love he gets the more he gets from me ayeeeee 😂

Nah but let me be serious, I don't care if you don't like him, like do you boo. Have your own opinion. Share it. Let it be known.

But if you state that over 6-7 times a day. Imma need you to stop trying to get his attention more than I am.

It's ridiculous 😂😂 then i hear 'well I really just hate him' nooooo hun, that's that hate love.

If I don't like somebody I'm not gonna talk about them cause there's no point.

State it once then be done.

Y'all get so mad at wrestlers that know the results of matches before they even put the match on.

Y'all get so mad at wrestlers that wrestle under a stage name and you hate them like that's their real personality.

Y'all get so fucking triggered when what you want doesn't happen.

Because it's obvious that the members of the WWE Universe know more than the people that have been running the fucking company for years on top of years.

Please stop. It's unattractive. You don't know everything. You're not apart of creative. If you want to be, then apply for a job bih.

Opinions are swell fam.

Negative repeated opinions, however, aren't.

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