idols of color

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don't you just love hearing "you only like (name) because they're black/Hispanic/Asian (etc) and your black/Hispanic/Asian (etc)."

Ladies and gentlemen of the non-poc world, if you so much as much say this and someone takes offense know that you brought this upon yourself and you will probably either be

a. lectured or
b. punched square in your face.

and that ain't nobody's fault except your own.

You questioning why someone idolize somebody is strange enough, but then you decide to link race to the cause of someone liking them... what?

First of all, as a BLACK PERSON i want to see BLACK PEOPLE SUCEED. PERIOD.

I'm sure that if you are Hispanic you want to see Hispanic people succeed or if you are of another race you want to see people in that race succeed because it's rare.

If you know me then you know I'm all for equality. I practice what I preach. I treat everybody like they're somebody because everybody is a somebody. I'm not bitter, nor do I hold grudges against any race of today because of what their race did in the day of yesterday. If I have beef with a person of a different race it's because I have beef with them. Not there entire race.

But with that being said, I also know my origins. In fact I'm extremely educated about them. Now, I may not know every small detail but do know that my ancestors did not 'come to America on a boat with a dream', Dr.Carson.

No, my ancestors were

1.Africans brought from Africa as slaves.
2. Forced off of their own land because they were 'Indians' aka Native Americans. Though they should be called Americans since they were the first ones here but anyways

That's me. Everyone differs but that's me.

I also know that people of my race were never handed things. And that's called privilege.

I'm not sure if you have noticed, but people's with lighter skin have a high chance of success.

That's not an opinion, nor will it ever be an opinion. That is a fact and if you disagree then I'm going to ask you to reconsider your opinion.

I did not imply non-pocs that didn't have to work to achieve something, but your process is a million times easier.

As a child, my mother always told me that if I wanted to make something of myself then I would have to work 5x harder than everyone else just to be considered.

1x because of the skin color
1x because of humanities ignorance
1x because I'm female
1x because of the stereotype
and 1x because life isn't a cakewalk in the first place.

I've been determined since I was five that I was gonna do something with my life. You can get accustomed to my name, it won't be the last time you hear it.

But until I get to that point, I want to know that what I'm about to do is possible because if other people of my race can succeed then so can I.

I idolize people that I can relate to, or people that I aspire to be like, or to one day have the things that they have.

If those people just so happen to be people of color then I can't help that.

I admire Naomi on a completely different level than every other woman on the roster. Not because she's black and I'm black, but because she's completely unlike every other woman in that locker room.

Now, she was overlooked for eight years and I can relate to that. She was pushed back while other got the spotlight and I can relate to that.

She's married to Jimmy, and while I'm sure they have their own issues just like ever married couple has, they look freaking perfect in my eyes. I eventually want a relationship like that. They're constantly playing or joking around and they're adorable.

She's also genuine. Anti-Bullshit. Waves off everything like it ain't shit because it doesn't freaking bother her and I wanna be like that.

And then on top of that, she makes me proud. Whereas other people would have walked out of the company, she stayed and now what is she?? The first African American woman to hold the Smackdown Live title. Her gimmick is original and she's about to become the longest reigning women's champion.

Her being black only caused me to relate more because I know how hard it is for that to happen, but that is not the source of me loving her.

But the real question is; what's the fucking problem if that is the reason why some people enjoy her?

Not a word is spoken if you stan nothing but non-pocs but let someone say that Jindar Mahal is actually a legit champion and you wanna wreck hell.

Let someone say that they enjoyed New Days entire reign and that's a problem to you because 'black excellence is racist anyways'

Let someone say that Naomi is their favorite and you automatically insult her by calling her ghetto because of the way she speaks yet John Cena and Enzo Amore use the same god damn slang yet you will say absolutely nothing. And that's nothing against Enzo and John because I enjoy the both of them, but if you do this then you are nothing but a hypocritical bastard.

I'm tired of that double standard racist bullshit. Some of you truly act like Nigga is the only racist word there is.

Stop using ghetto to describe people.

Ghetto is actually Ghettos. Ghettos is a place where people live. Typically a run down area within cities that lack resources. To say, "He from the ghettos" would be correct seeing that you are describing where he is from or where he lives. But to say 'he's ghetto' is INCORRECT. People have changed the word into a way people act or talk and that's WRONG and your a fucking idiot if you do so.

Stop using thug. Period.

A thug is usually a gang related member. Someone wearing a hood over their head does not make them a thug. Someone with a heavy accent or often uses slang does not make them a thug. Someone being from a particular area does not make them a thug. Skin color does not make you a fucking thug.

Stop using those people/their people/you people/ most *race* people like/ most *race* people look like/ most *race* people do

Do I really need to fucking explain here? I shouldn't.

If your going your dislike for someone, how about using normal words such as, "I DONT LIKE THEM BECAUSE-" that's sounds lovely!!!

And if your going to assume that people only like people because they share the same race I suggest you don't.

On life, I'm truly getting fed up.

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