dreams come truuuu

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I've honestly never been more happy in my life.

I went to Disney World and besides everything there costing a fucking ARM AND LEG (3.50 for a mother fucking SODA.) it was honestly be best time of my life.

It was the first time in a long time that I actually smiled, like every day, even though my feet were hurting.

I honestly feel amazing, which is good cause I UPDATE WHEN I FEEL GOOD.

As far as rides, Epcot didn't have many good ones, but the cultural atmosphere you get when you go there is so freaking amazing.

Magic Kingdom is simply cute. Like it's adorable. Space mountain is the best ride there. The castle is BEAUTUFUL at night. I. MET. PRINCESS TIANNNNNNNNNAA. TIANA ACTUALLY INTERACTS YOU. Don't get me wrong, all the princess are nice and sweet, but Tiana was the only one who like genuinely interacts with you. Like I was wearing my drumline shirt and she was like "You know what? I need a drummer to perform with my jazz band on Thursday. Think you can fill in?" I WAS SCREAMING (on the inside). But there all sooooo sweet. The only one I didn't see was Merida. She ain't show up fam.

Animal Kingdom was good. Mt.everest is so freaking fun. I was fucking terrified every time.

Hollywood studios was one of my faves because of Rockin Rollercoaster. It's an Aerosmith themed ride and it's freaking amazing. Legit goes 0-60 in less than a second. STAR WARS IS ALSO HERE. if only y'all knew how much of a fan I was oml. Honestly Tower or Terror isn't scary, I mean I almost died on it though. It has that one itty little seat belt and mine came a loose on the final drop. I was fucking screaming. Literally. I should sue. I'll be rich.

It's pretty magical, the park that is.

I mean yeah, it's a bit overrated because the only MAIN difference between Disney and every other theme park is that they use Disney Characters, but it's honestly just sorta amazing.

If you ever get a chance to go, do it. Your never too old. (Ok maybe you CAN be too old. But hell im 17 and I went).

It makes you feel like a kid again honestly.

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