are we humans are heartless?

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with all these hurricanes, mini earthquakes in Dallas, and a fucking astroid passing over us I truly believe the world is coming closer to its end now more than ever.

And maybe that's a good thing because I'm realizing that some people, especially in this country, are fucking pieces of shit.

And those pieces of shit people have pieces of shit supporters and if your offended then I'm directly speaking about you. I don't care. What are you gonna do? Bite me.

This country is beyond upsetting at the moment. I'm sure some of you would disagree because you're not being effected by it, but I'm going to ask you to stop and think and please hear me out.

The president is making a decision that does not effect me personally, but it DOES effect the people around me.

The current president of the United States of America wants to repeal DACA.

DACA is the Deferred Action of Childhood Arrivals.  Now here's what I know and please do correct me if I'm wrong because I want to be as accurate as possible.

It's was created to give children who entered the U.S without documents a chance and an opportunity to succeed in this country just like anyone that was born here. It allowed thousands of immigrants to work, feed themselves, and go college. It even gives them things that most of us don't think about such as the ability to obtain a social security number, and a drivers license.  It also protects immigrants from deportation in the country.

I'm not an immigrant. I don't know what it's like to leave another country and hope to prosper in another, I can't relate to that.

But I have friends that do.

Living in Texas, the Hispanic population is high. Several of my closest friends are Hispanic and they mean the world to me. And out of all of my friends, sometimes it seems as though they are the strongest ones because they aren't wanted here, they get asked to stop speaking their home language around those who cannot understand, they get told to go back to Mexico just as much as I get told to go back to Africa.

And it about makes me sick to seem them worry or cry or have concerns because they now have to worry day in and day out about being deported from this freaking country.

And it's not just hispanics, it's immigrants of all races and backgrounds.

What makes them so different from the people that were born here huh? Nothing.

Ive never been patriotic, but this country has to be better than this. It has to be. That's not a hope, that's a demand.

We cannot put politics before human rights.

We cannot place racist stereotypes before human life's.

No human is illegal. No matter who you are or where you're from. You should not be made to feel like you do not belong.

If you have any heart, any at all. Help.

DACA may not apply to you, but it's effecting Hundreds of Thousands. You speaking out will only help out in more ways than you think.

The more are get informed, the more can speak out and try to help those who are facing uncertain times.


Issa Rant Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon