Howie Mandel

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I think everybody has someone you can talk to, you just don't know who they are yet. You know if you are suffering from a problem because you don't know how somebody's going to react when you share.

But the truth is we're not on this planet alone and everybody's got something you will find that when you open up to somebody that is kind of a bridge.

Words are a bridge, talking is a privilege to somebody else who may hear or know of somebody else was struggling like you.

You know I found that through comedy, sometimes in my stand up comedy I talk about the most awkward, embarrassing, horrible moments in life and the whole audience/not so much because I think it's funny but because they relate.

So you know that humanity relates. We're all the same, we really are. We all kind of feel the same, we all put on a façade. So I encourage everybody to find, if you don't know that person now or you don't know that place now, to find that place to open up and talk. And whether it's just your family general practitioner, whether it's a sibling, whether it's a friend or even a stranger.

Just by allowing themselves to be open to what it is you're saying, or you're asking for or what you need. It really is somewhat healing. Talking, talking, that's what I'm doing right now. Right now you are listening. But I want you to stop listening and I want you to start talking!

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