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So many people during my 1 year in college, treated me nice for what I thought was nice. But to some point, some were nice and the rest were always and constantly giving me bad looks, judging me and saying negative things to me: even if they knew about my mental health problem!

They just kept ignoring it like its no big deal. They would also only see and think that things don't get to me, but they do and they affect me mentally and academically! How you treat me affects me mentally and academically just by that! And they never think that at all!

They need to know this! I break down easily, I let the emotions and mental illness get the best of me by letting it take control of me entirely. And by that, I mean loss appetite, interest in hobbies, including academics, fun, happy things, and the things that I used to enjoy!

All gone, when depression is the only thing in the big picture of things! Mental health should be token seriously all the time! I hate how people easily and instantly judge mentally ill people like that! It sucks and society is part of this too! What do you think of this?

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