Take Back Your Self Worth

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Mental health is important enough we shouldn't risk our own health to let others just take away our own self worth!

So we must believe ourselves that we are worthy. And keep in mid that it's not good be easy nor should be expected to be achieved more than just easily but also that soon!

Mental health is just as important as our physical health. Our brain is what keeps the rest of the human body functioning properly! Without the brain, no human being would exist. So why shouldn't we treat our brain like all the other organs in our body?

Why view mental health and mental illness as taboo and shameful and have so much wonder, hate and other emotions of why and how the suicide rate is so high in many countries; without realizing that they are part of those results.

If they stopped having judgments yet overall hate, shame and misunderstanding and try to support, and at least fully listen to those around us suffering and living with mental illness, saving their life counts as part of reducing the suicide rate!

~ the sense of one's own value or worth as a person; self-esteem; self-respect.

They saw not only their jobs at risk but also their sense of self-worth.

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