If I were...

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If I were...

If I were to do something bad putting it on my record, I wouldn't let that stop me from doing what I want and living my life! Hey, it's mine in the first place, they don't have the "right" to control that in all reality

Pain is the New Black!!

Lucas: We need a different kind of thinking.
Riley: well, what's another way to think?
Maya: we're trying to save the creative arts, why can't we start thinking creatively?
Riley: there's my little artist.

Inspiring others... thoughts
When I started inspiring you all (on Tumblr from my old blog: Laura1646), I felt something special and connected to my life purpose. Something like this is so special to me and I will never let it go nor through it away no matter what anyone says for they are very little in the big picture of things and also don't matter except for your own! And what you do about them... try thinking, doing and living creatively! I've already started and I guarantee I won't stop for anyone who ever disagrees. I'm also so grateful and happy for the things and people who helped me find my true life purpose. And lastly, I really wish to turn my life purpose into something big and incredible (inspiring, beautiful and amazing as I know it truly is) someday! And I can't wait till that day I make that dream of mine reality!
What do you think about my life purpose?

Lucas: he said you were al full of fire!
Farkle: the genius who's loyal and kind
Maya: the blonde beauty
Riley: the pretty brunette, who never gives up on anyone or anything and no sacrifice is too big for her friends!

"Rise and grind! If you're tempted to call in with a case of the "why bothers" - just forget it. This is your day to get all that high-achievery stuff underway. So go workout, or go to work, or work on that blog post about how you feel and what you feel about what your feeling. Whatever it is you so, do it today and unleash the #everydaybrilliance we know is inside you. Consider us your partner in morning hydration, armed fairy vitamin c + calcium and so much yummy orange taste we say it twice."
Essential: Orange-Orange (C+calcium) {Vitamin Water}

Cuz I'm not thinking straight!
How can people just tell us (depressed people) ways to succeed academically when they may actually be part of the reason for our depression. When someone isn't thinking straight, they can't succeed academically or in any other way. Other than faking their real emotions on the outside to the ones they know and love.

Creativity wins!
Ms. Kossai: keep painting Riley! Because it makes you happy. It makes you feel something which is what art is all about.
Riley: I'm happy. I'm a happy artist. This is why I stink.
Ms. Kossai: remember your homework for the weekend is to visit any art museum in the city. Find something that inspires you and never forget it for the rest of your rich and creative lives!

I wanna make myself proud for more amazing, inspiring, positive and beautiful things, that I've always dreamt of doing! Starting Monday: I'm gonna start thinking & planning the new things that I want to start working on to accomplish now that I'm back to my normal self again!

Girl Meets Creativity
This episode really inspired me! It is something I've known to have for over a year and I really enjoyed watching it. Along with having many positive, inspiring, worthy and powerful thoughts come to mind on the scenario itself. Things that I would do if in that situation myself and what that would create: creativity! And I'm thankful for that! Please do me a favor and watch this episode on your free time and see what comes to your mind! Maybe creative thoughts and actions arise!

For every activity (little and big) in life, you have at least two options:
1. do what's right
2. do what you think is right whether it goes against any rule in life.
I would for sure without a doubt choose "option #2!" Which one would you choose?

Everyone makes mistakes, though right?
Justin: Of course. But you have to own up to the mistakes. You have to say, I'm sorry if I've every let you down. And I know I'm probably going to make more mistakes. But it's all about how you bounce back. I always want to be honest and let people know that those mistakes aren't who I am. My mistakes don't define me. Who I am is someone who really cares about people.

Give = results
What you give me, is what you get in return! That's just how life works

"I had to separate myself from a lot of people and friends because when you surround yourself with negativity, your going to pour out negativity."
Justin Bieber

Do you feel a responsibility to your fans?
Justin: I do. I think for a while I was in a place where I didn't care. So I think my fans' mentalities could have been like, "He doesn't care, so I won't care." I lost hope for so long. When I found it again, I was like, man, his is what I really want to represent: hope. Most people go though a period where they're figuring out life and they make mistakes, and I'm living a living example of someone who has gone through that. A strong message that I want to get out there is that you're never too far gone to gain back control or to fix those things that you feel are broken. There's always room for growth. Spend time by yourself - it might be lonely, but a lot of figuring yourself out happens when your alone.

"The most important thing is to look at everything in a positive light."
Justin Bieber

Seventeen Interview with Justin Bieber
Interviewer: most 21 year-olds are just starting to find themselves, yet it feels like you've already lived so many lives.
Justin: Yeah, but I'm still finding myself. Sometimes you lose track of who you are or what you believe in. You realize, this isn't me. It doesn't make me feel good and it's not going toward what I want. I think people forget I'm human. They see me as something else, and it hurts. They want me to break, have a wreck, and go into depression. I let that affect me.

"I make it pretty obvious when I like somebody!"
Justin Bieber talking about his dating life (in Seventeen Magazine, article)

Learn a lot through trial and error, trying to make it right."
Justin Bieber: Recovery

College Roommate:
This girl: my college roommate, Alannah alannahohana makes me smile and laugh at times when we talk! Such great times with such an amazingly awesome roommate in college! She's such a goofy girl! And I admire that about her!

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