A Battle Won!!!

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Life With Mental Illness

Ever since I started working on loving myself and received my first bit of improvement and success, I've truly experienced what it looks and feels like to fully love myself in all the ways as stated in my previous post!

And as per my goal being made of as grade 9, I feel so thankful, grateful, happy, confident and content with all my progress!

And I'm so truly grateful and thankful for all you happiers for being there every step of the way!

Watching Season 8 of Grey's Anatomy! Really feeling so much! And having really insightful and encouraging thoughts of my dream of working in the Psychology career path! I believe all my experiences with mental illness, living with mental illness, and my education, it has come to to that I'd be so gratefully happy and so passionate great at work!

Yes no one has to have a mental illness to be a good shrink, but living with mental illness definitely can have its benefits in the job! Whether you have a mental illness or not and wanna be a shrink, and mental illness being so common in the world, everyone will know someone with a mental illness or addiction.

Mental health matters. We all matter each as individuals! We all deserve to care for ourselves in the way that's positive and healthy! Many citizens of society lack self love and self care as well as self compassion and other emotions!

If someone loves themselves enough, they would not only not care what others think of them and embrace all that they wanna be, feel confident and comfortable and unashamed of who they are appearance, flaws and all, but also being able to identify when someone is treating them wrong and acting on that awareness in a positive and healthy way!

I have seen many people including my own family who lack all this and overall positive mental health which also includes emotional intelligence! I see a lot of anxiety, stress and some panic a lot in my family for example!

And I believe there's a way for me to help them better manage their own lives, mentally, spiritually and emotionally! Which can also help improve one's physical health too! I'm sure many of you know that for those who advocate for mental health, have loved ones and others living with mental illness as well as yourselves!

The mental health epidemic and all those contributing their parts in fixing the broken mental health system and breaking the stigma around mental illness, and I believe it can help solve everything and bring us way closer to world peace! All the hate with the issues in the world, things can change as long as we all do our parts and the right way with all the right logic and thinking!

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