Chapter Seven

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Okay so since I've not updated in well.. forever XD I decided I'd pick back up with another chapter since we've made it over 200 reads. Enjoy!

It had been a few weeks since Indrasena had seen Ernest. She was wondering who was avoiding who. Maybe it was a mutual thing, she wasn't sure, but the thoughts they both had made them miss each other more.

She decided to just get up for the day and go eat breakfast. Maybe her mother and father would be in there so she could figure out what happened to the curly haired servant.

As Indrasena walked into the room, her parents stood to acknowledge her. They had bowed to one another before taking their seats.

"Mother, father." Indrasena spoke. They looked at her, waiting for her to continue. She took a deep breath before continuing.

"What happened to that servant boy, Ernest?" Her parents looked at one another, almost as if they were hiding something.

She furrowed her eyebrows, staring at the two. "I asked you a question." They raised their eyebrows at her sudden outburst. She sighed, putting her hands over her face.

"I just want to know where he went, that is all." Her mother went to open her mouth, being interrupted by her father. "The servant boy has left our castle if you must know. He wasn't doing too much work according to the others."

By now the younger queen was seeing red. "Not doing work? That's bullsh*t! He's been slaving around here a h*ll of a lot more than the others!" She stood up abruptly before turning and storming out the door.

As if hearing her tantrum, she bumped into her best friend, Andrew. He looked at her, curious as to what the shouting was about.

As he went to open his mouth, she raised a hand, silencing him. "Please do not ask, I don't want to start yelling again." She whispered, voice hoarse.

He nodded, not wanting to anger her anymore. He opened his arms, offering a hug as she accepted it, on the verge of tears.

"I just have one question; is this about the servant you have feelings for?" She sniffs before nodding, tears falling silently onto his shirt. He sighed, sad himself to see his best friend in such a way.

She looked up at him, whispering softly the name of the man she missed most. "His name is Ernest."

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