Chapter Eight

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*shields self* Don't kill me! I know it's been a while since I've updated and for that I'm sorry. I have no excuses, except pure laziness. And babysitting. Okay maybe I do have an excuse, anywho! To chapter eight you go!
She looked up at him, whispering softly the name of the man she missed most. "His name is Ernest."
Andrew gazed down at Indrasena, hoping she was done with crying. He hated seeing her sad, she was like his little sister and it killed him to see her so upset.

With a look of determination on his face, he held her out at arms length. "Don't worry, I'll make sure we get him back." She looked up at him, her childhood best friend, with a small smile then frowned.

"But how are you going to find him?" She asked curiously. He just grinned, a slight smirk on his face. "I have my ways Indie and you know that." She laughed at the nickname he had given her years ago. He pulled her in for another hug right before Indrasena's name was called from down the hall. "Go on, sounds like your mother's feathers are all ruffled up again."

She gave him a tight squeeze before heading down the hallway, in the direction of her mother's voice. Once she got outside the room, she paused, listening in on their conversation.

"I told you she was obsessed with that servant boy!" Her mother yelled at someone. "I'm sure it was nothing dear." Her father. Indrasena paused before knocking on the door. "Come in" her mother spoke.

She slowly stepped in, looking between her parents. Her father offered a warm smile while her mother glared.

"Is everything alright?" She asked hesitant. Her mother scoffed while her father smiled lovingly at her. "We just had a few... questions regarding the servant boy, Ernest I believe you said his name was?" She nodded at her father, letting him continue. "Why did you respond in such a way when he was let go?"

She looked around, hoping her parents wouldn't see her eyes shifting. "I just believe it was unfair to let him go. He was doing a significant job around the castle and you just didn't see his potential like I did." Her mother looked at her, quirking an eyebrow. "See his potential? Every other servant in the castle said he was always missing when needed, never assisted the others, and there were rumors of him stealing roses from the garden."

Indrasena looked at her mother, glaring at her as her mother did before. "I'll have you know I made Ernest my personal servant. That's why he didn't help the others, that's why he was always gone, and THAT is why the roses went missing. Because I told him to collect me a vase full."

Indrasena was seeing red by now. She couldn't continue this conversation without feeling the need to yell at her mother and father. She didn't feel it was needed towards her father, just mostly her mother.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to my room for the night. Don't bother coming in." With that and a slam of the door, Indrasena was on her way to her room, hoping to avoid anymore confrontations.

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