Valentines day Special

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Thank you for helping me in this story iiQuxxn_Bxx ! she's a really great writer! Go check her stories out!
You and Yusei were headed to the beach, after all that has happened you just wanted a break from all the things that were troubling your life right now. "Yusei, Thank you for taking me out today. " You spoke politely. "My pleasure." He smiled back.

He bought the both of you some ice cream. You strolled together around the beach's sand, you of course enjoyed the warm, soft part of the sand on your toes. "Hey... (Y/n)? I have been wanting to ask you something..." Yusei asked.

Marriage? No... we were both too young. Maybe a dance? You're thoughts were completely blocking the word 'Marriage'.

"Sure, Yusei. Ask away" You replied.

"Have you ever... had a boyfriend?" Yusei spoke sheepishly.

"No... Why do you ask that?" You questioned him. You never really got the chance to think about having a boyfriend...

"Oh, no reason" He muttered. His hand reached for yours as we continued to walk around the beach, you took hold of it once it reached my finger tips. Both of you gracefully swayed your hands back and forth, enjoying the beautiful summer day.

We soon walked along a cove, filled with aquatic life and mysteries. The cove was very short, but it was the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. You're expression turned to awe. Gazing at the clear, light blue water, you went in the cove and rolled up you're jeans. Yusei followed shortly, after having a few tries to roll up his own.

The two of you both kicked through the beautiful, gleaming water. You started to attack Yusei with the water! "ATTACK!" You screamed, having kicked a bunch of water towards Yusei. His jeans got soaking wet. "Wow! Those were my jeans! I'm going to get you!" Yusei teased after you, having his hand forming cups and pushing it through the water. It got you soaked too. After pointless minutes of water attacking each other, you grabbed the towels from your beach bag and dried yourself off. You passed Yusei one too, having his hair soaked.

And as unlikely you two have noticed, some people were spying on you two. You finally played in the warming sand and built sand castles. Yusei's was the most biggest, but yours was the most prettiest. It was a tie. You giggled at the thought of Yusei getting jealous over you.

"What are you giggling about?" Yusei questioned, having sand in his hair.

"Oh... nothing." You giggled some more. You sat next to Yusei, playing in his sandy, wet hair. He just simply shrugged and set his back against the sand, gazing at your glimmering (E/c) eyes... You tapped his nose, getting his head out of his daydream. You set your back against the sand too, but close to Yusei.

You laid your head against his shoulder, studying the beautiful sunset that has begun. Orange, pink, and yellow hues smashed into each other to create the sunset of a lifetime.

"Hey, (Y/n)? If I ever got the chance to marry you, what would you say?" Yusei questioned out of the blue.

You thought about it. Marrying Yusei, a handsome devil, and one hell of a card player. You always wanted to be as strong as Yusei... maybe even stronger. But you knew that would crush his dreams...

"Oh course, Yusei. Your like the most fucking awesome person in the world! Your trustworthy, your protective, your selfless.... Your.... you." You shyly responded.

Both of you were blushing madly. You were surprised, even Yusei could blush.

"What'cha doiiiing~!" Crow asks

Yusei and you shocked, and began to childishly scream.

"Don't scare us like that, Crow!" Yusei spoke, rather angry.

"What? Mad because we ruined the mood?" Jack spoke fondly and teased.

Yusei began to blush madly once more.

"H-how about you guys go away! We see you everyday! We just want some alone time..." You spoke, rather mumbling than yelling.

"Yeah, but its was more fun to tease you than to duel." Crow began to tease more.

"Guys, quit the teasing. (Y/n) doesn't like it." Yusei began to control his blush.

The cheeks overtook your whole face, becoming one of your emotions. "Y-yeah..." You began to mumble some more.

"If I duel you, will you guys go away?" Yusei spoke rather harshly.

"Sure" They all spoke in unison.

After hours of battling, it finally became night. The air was becoming cold and the beach towels you brought wasn't really helping.

"Guys!" You spoke, grabbing their attention. "It's getting late.... We should go home..." I spoke even louder. The wind was blowing profusely and couldn't stop.

They all sighed, knowing it was the truth. They put away all of their materials and they began to walk away. Yusei stayed behind, helping you warm up. He put his jacket around you and led you to the motorcycle. You hopped on, grabbing one of the spare helmets and putting it atop of your head.

While driving on the road, Yusei spoke out loud to you.

"(Y/n)... I think there is going to be a storm! We need to get you to my place!" Yusei spoke, trying to speak louder than the wind.

While we arrived at Yusei's place, you hopped off and began running into the house. You jumped on the nearest couch and began to warm up slowly. Yusei came around and started to cuddle you, giving you more warmth than you wanted.

"Dying...! Warmth...! Overexciting...! Help...!" You teased and went under all of the blankets.

Yusei giggled and lifted most of the blankets off you.

You sighed and let out an ahhh~

You looked tiredly at him, all of today was amazing. But one real question is: Is he going to pop the question?

Yusei stared at you, and let out a big sigh. You pecked his cheek and turned around, facing the couch. Your eyes began to lower and soon you knew it, you passed out.

Yusei gazed at your sleeping form and began to interrupted your sleep with a long, passionate kiss. You smiled sheepishly, knowing this was the part of something beautiful!

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