Chapter 5

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Should I add icon shipping to this story? Anyway this chapter is focused on Serena. Enjoy the chapter! 

~~~~~~~~~Last Time~~~~~~~~~~~

"Its called aura and only a few people in the world can use it." Ash replied

"With that the Ash Ketchum Memorial Tournament has officially begun!" The announcer yelled


"So Serena what did you think of that Kaito guy?" Bonnie asked as they walked out of the V.I.P. Box

"I don't know he reminds me of someone I just can't put my finger on it." Serena replied "I'll think about it later, I'm hungry." 

"Ok I hear there's a really good restaurant in the hotel." Bonnie told Serena

After Dinner:

Serena was sitting on her bed in her room thinking about what she just saw at the opening ceremony

"I wonder who that mysterious guy who battled Diantha was? He seemed so much like Ash and I don't know why." Serena thought gripping the ribbon Ash gave her all those years ago

Serena got up and started pacing around the room pondering what has been going through her head since the opening ceremony ended. While Serena was walking around Bonnie came into her room and saw her.

"Serena what are you doing?" Bonnie asked

"Oh! Hi Bonnie, I'm just thinking about that trainer who battled Diantha today. Didn't he seem familiar for some reason?" Serena asked the little girl

"Now that you mention it he did seem familiar in the sense that he didn't take the honor of lighting the torch just because he won. He shared it with Diantha because he enjoyed their battle and didn't want their to be winners and losers." Bonnie replied

"You should talk to him to see if he knew Ash, maybe that's where he got the traits." Bonnie stated to the older girl

"Maybe I will, but what if this is just a waste of time." Serena replied solemnly

"We won't know unless you try Serena. Try to catch him after his first match tomorrow."

"Ok I'll try" Serena said "I really hope it's him"

"Alright Goodnight Serena." Bonnie called as she left the room

"Goodnight!" Serena yelled after her

The Next Day:

"Today is the day I'm going to talk to Kaito." Serena thought as she was getting out of bed


Please don't throw buses at me. I know this chapter is short, but I couldn't think of anything else to write. Next chapter won't be out until Saturday because I go back to school tommorow.

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