Chapter 10

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I'm so sorry this took over 2 months for me to update this book. Check the A/N at the end of the chapter if you want to know more. This chapter is a battle and some other tidbits beforehand. Also I'm accepting Music requests to put at the tops of chapters, I'll create a chapter for it in the near future. The music up top is the music I was listening to when I was writing this chapter.

FYI the Flare Arc of XYZ never happened.


Ash walked into his room after meeting with his friends, though they didn't know it was him, Ash had a letter on his desk stating his next matchup for the tournament. He was going to be battling someone named Luna. Ash sat down at his desk and looked up information on his opponent.

Name: Luna

Hometown: Twinleaf Town

Age: 13




Vulpix (Alolan Form)

'This should be fun, but I'll have to think of a strategy later.' Ash thought getting up and walking towards his window

In a different part of town

The Lysandre Café, a well-known restaurant in Lumiose City, was hiding a dark secret. Several hundred feet below the restaurant a secret lab was in use.

A man shrouded in a red glow stood in the center of the room and said: "How much do we know about the ultimate weapon that was used in Kalos 3,000 years ago?"

A grunt stood up and said, "All we know is that it runs on the natural energy inside of a Pokemon and can be used to restart the Kalos Region from scratch."

"Good, report all findings to me and continue searching for the ultimate weapon." "As you wish, Lysandre Sir."


"Welcome to the second round of the Ash Ketchum Memorial Tournament" The announcer exclaimed into the microphone

"The first round was filled with exciting battles. Some highlights include the onslaught of Kaito's Lucario on Bobby's entire team, Sawyer's Sceptile and Aegislash's win over his opponent, and Paul's landslide victory with his Electivire over his opponent. This match will once again involve the mysterious Kaito. His opponent is Luna from Twinleaf Town. Both are very powerful trainers as they both won their first matches with outstanding skill."

"Kaito is a formidable opponent indeed and Luna is no slouch either this should be an interesting battle everyone!" The announcer called out

Ash and Luna walked onto their platforms and stood waiting for the call to release a Pokemon. The referee called out "This will be a 3 vs 3 Pokemon battle. The battle will be over when one trainer's Pokemon are all unable to continue. Trainers release your first Pokemon."

Luna plucked a Pokeball off of her belt and tossed it into the air. "Sylveon come on out!" The Pokeball opened a bright light materialized a pink fox-like Pokemon with long ribbons coming from the ribbons on its body.

Ash threw a Pokeball forward and exclaimed: "Samurott, I choose you!" The Pokeball opened a bright light came from it. A large four-legged mammal with blades on each of its legs appeared from the light. It also had a large horn protruding out of its head.

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