Suprises chp 3

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Julia's point of view

After the mall we went back to the house but this time Boris came home with us he finished and locked up the shop the whole ride to the house was silent but ke$ha wouldn't shut up "I'm going timber I'll be the one you won't forget whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ohhhhhhh whoaaawhoaaaaaaaaaaaa" when we got to the house I felt like I had to discuss where I was going to live so I made Boris and Emily to help me .it was a hard decision .so I picked to stay and Boris could move in into my room .


Boris sells his house and he could sleep and have his clothes in my room.
Then we could all live happily ever after just me Oliver and Boris (+Emily)
Oliver will be mentioned in chapter ten????????

Boris's point of view
I couldn't believe they were actually letting me live there I thought a girl want's to take relation ship's slow but this girl is on roller coaster" so let's go "Julia said "what do you mean" I asked "I mean let's go to your house and start grabbing your things and setting them up you know when your moving "she answered" ok "I'm going to skip the moving part but let's just say that the house is already bidding Julia was doing that while Emily and diego my friend and I transported the furniture and things to each house but we managed to get all of every thing in the house I started setting thing s up and Diego was helping me while the girls do whatever friends do (anybody know ) it was 8:00 when we finished and there was a super snow storm and Diego had to stay.

His Name Was Boris LaursenWhere stories live. Discover now