Hidden Chp4

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Julia's point of view

Everybody was hungry and tired so we all ordered pizza .then every body went to their rooms except Diego he slept on the couch.In the morning I woke up bright and early but bright and early for me is 9:00 Boris had left and so had Emily they both went to work so it was me and Diego .Diego is my friend but he knows Boris some how and he always had a crush on me .

So it was all ways kinda weird when i was all alone with him . "Good morning sun shine" he said and I was like oh shit he knows we are all alone "Diego please don't do this" Boris is all I said and he burst into tears" I just want you baby and I loved you always and forever but Boris is in

the way please just kiss me once please I will do anything for you baby "then all of a sudden Diego grabbed my body and kissed and I pushed but he wouldn't stop then he stopped and I stared and he stared and I smacked him he let go and screamed "owwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!"

" I don't know who you think you are but you can't do that and I know you like me but no you can't do that " I said he went into the bathroom and slam the door now I felt bad. All the rest of the day it was awkward for me and him so we stayed in separate rooms and we weren't haveing lunch together I went out and he stayed home.when Emily got home she noticed how sad he was crying and shit so she asked what's wrong. I knew I could feel his smirk when Boris walked in the door .

Julia's note-hey sorry I don't have time to edit so I only do it it every other weekend a night so stay tune

His Name Was Boris LaursenWhere stories live. Discover now