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I watched the water fall of red liquid run down my arm and onto the floor as I took one last one. Blood was all over the place so I had to wrap my arm up and put a long sleeve sweater on luckily I put a towel down and cleaned it up before Diego walked in on me."what are you doing?" He asked giving his confused face that really turned me on."Nothing I was just.....never mind "I said pushing him out of the way."Hey what's the problem" Diego questioned pulling oath of my arms and staring into my eyes.No do not fall for him he is horrible my thoughts told me but my heart couldn't stand not being able to call his hazel eyes with a fleck of gray mine.his face was so soft and his eyelashes were really long they brought out his eyes ahh no! I was not falling for this rapist no way no how."Leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled which alerted Boris.i heard his pounding feet going up the stairs."what is going on Diego what the fuck are you doing to her ?!??!"he yelled pulling Diego out in the hall and pinning him against the wall. "I didn't do anything right?" He looked at me in his innocent face "Boris he didn't do anything" I said letting Diego down."ok but you let me know cause his ass will be out of this house"he answered taking me by the hand into our room.Diego looked at me and sighed then he walked away .

His Name Was Boris LaursenΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα