Chapter 7

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I picked up the test and I checked the sign (+) wtf!!!! I can not be pregnant with Diego's baby no this can't be happening I screamed really loud and Boris walked in and I just dropped the test under the toilet but he didn't notice "what's wrong" he asked kissing my head and leaning against the sink. Nothing I answered I saw Diego walk by and I walked out of the bathroom Boris followed I needed to talk to Diego alone so I asked Boris to make me a sandwich he answered okay and headed down stairs. I walked into the game room and he jumped up from his seat " hey beautiful " he answered. " I'm not....... You know yesterday when we ...." I blinked "when I fucked you?" He replied "yes I guess you could say that " I answered . "Well I'm preagnant with your baby bitch" I choked out punching him in the gut . "Really baby I I I I'm so happy I will go through this with you all the way" he answered. "That's the thing idiot I don't want you to" I replied laying on the couch.
"No you listen to me since I'm the father I will be there you better tell that bitch boyfriend of yours to back off because I'm the father of that damn baby and I will be there for you " Diego answered storming off to the kitchen.I rubbed my eyes and pulled back my hair into a messy bun all of this was making me want to do something but I couldn't do it in front of Boris nor Diego or Emily. I went to the bathroom to find the razor I took it and watched as the bathroom light shined at the left top edge of it.I looked at my wrist and took one good last look the. It happened...

Author's note :
Sorry guys I just never really go on watt pad anymore between school relationships and drama it's been hard so stay updated or at least let's see if I can 😆😆😂😂😂

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