Valintines Day. GerardxReader

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First. Let us get one thing straight.
You didn't like valintines Day.
It's not that you hated all the happy couples or the holiday made you miserable, you just didn't like it. You found no point in it. I mean, there isn't one. You spend time with a loved one. That. Is. It.
you didn't like parties, loud noise, surprises or any other damn thing. Especially all the red and pink decorations strung in every place you looked.
Let's be honest, you can't swing a dead cat without running into some red/pink decoration.
So, when Gérard told you he had a speacial day planned for valintines Day, you felt your stomach drop to the floor.
Not becuease you didn't want to spend time with him or anything, but becuease you where terrified he was gonna make you go to some stupid party where you would stand in a corner ignoring everyone and wishing everyone around you would disapear.
Let's be honest, you never truly did grow up into an adult even though you where 23

Valintines Day was in four days and you dreaded every second of the anxious feeling you got at him not telling you what the surprise was.
Did he enjoy your torture?
No. The answer is no. But that is truly how it felt.

So, here you sat, giving him a resentful, sad glare.
"Y/n no matter how much you give me that look I'm not gonna tell you what it is." He says with a slight laugh and it only makes you look more sad and resentful.
"Y/n stop. Your making me feel bad." He says with the same breath of a liagh.
"Y/n. for real" He says, loosing the amusement and furrowing his eyes slightly.
"Y/n!" He says, loosing all amusement and honestly wanting you to stop. However you just increased the look.
"Okay stop! Or I'm leaving! Your making me feel guilty!" He says in the same tone.
"Gee your gonna be shunned if you don't tell me! You know I don't like suprises, people, heart decorations, or leaving my house!" You pout.
"Stop being a baby you'll be fine." Gérard tells you to with a slight eye roll but smiles at you.
"Com'mon, I told Mikey and the others that we'd meet them for band pracitce." Gérard says as you nod and get up from your stool and he wraps his arm around you, grabbing his keys on the way out the door.

Listening to different songs as you guys drove to the studio, this destracted you from your dreaded future.
He would truly make you go through that right?

Arriving at the studio where you where greeted by the three others, you all walked into the studio.
They practiced The Black Parade, Planetary (GO!), Thank You For The Venom, and a couple others.
All and all they where practicing for about two hours.
After what only felt like ten minutes, practice was over and they came out of the studio and to the room where you had been watching.
"So your staying with us for dinner right?! Also did Gérard tell you what you guys are doing for valintines Day? I told him you where gonna hate it but he insists on the plan." Frank says, earning a wack on the back of his head from Gérard.
You knew frank was just joking, but you truly where worried.
"Frank, do you say things to get hurt or does it not enter you mind?" You ask as he rubs the back of his head where he had been it.
"Ha. Ha." He says sarcastically and you grin at him.
"But, to answer you quetion, yes, I'll be joining you. I dont actually have work today." You tell him.
he reached his hand over to you to help you up which you took gladly and pulled yourself up, squeezing his hand before letting go to go see what mikey and gerard wanted since they where gesturing you over.
"Hey mikey."You greet, noticing you hadn't Acutally said your hellos to him today.
""Hey n/n. Gérard wanted to ask you something, I gotta go help pack up though" Mikey says, squeezing your shoulder like he usually did as he walked away to help frank carry the stuff he had grabbed before he dropped anything (the only way he could've carried more things was if he took the building too.)
""What's up, Gee?" You ask, his arms wrapping around you and hooking on your back as he swayed you both slightly.
"We are still going out with the guys tonight right?" He asks and you nod, you arms wrapping around his neck as you did so.
"Okay. Also frank is just trying to make you wory. For real, I think your gonna like what I have planned for us." He says and you smile, getting on your tip toes and planting a soft kiss on his lips.
He kissed back instantly and moved your body a bit closer and leaning down so you didn't have to stand on your toes.
"Get a room you two!" You hear Frank joke for behind you and you break apart from Gérard and lean your head back to look at frank(however he was now upside down) and using Gérard for support before saying, "oh, we will." Which made the childish taking smirk that laid across his face be replaced with a slightly startled face. You wherent truly one to say stuff like that from what they had found.
I mean, sure, you cursed and stuff, but you didn't generally make those kind of jokes.
Smiling at his reaction, you leaned back to look at gerard, giving him one more peck on the lips before detaching from him so you guys could go help finish up packing the stuff up.

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