this never happened (Ashley Purdy x Reader )

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"Do we really have to go out tonight?" You groan, throwing yourself on your bed as f/n walks into the room, throwing cloths at you.
"Yes! Now put these on! Pip pip " She says, waving you off.
You groan again and sit on the bed, grabbing the cloths before leaving for the bathroom.
She had given you a tight black dress that was uncomfertably short, black knee high heeled boots,and a black leather jacket. It also came along with fish net stalkings but you didn't put them on, hoping she wouldn't notice.
You walk out of the bathroom and that was the first thing she noticed.
"And the stalkings." She states and you stomp your foot slightly before putting him on.


"F/n I feel rediculous!  I am gonna trip and die in these stupid heels!" You whine, nearly breaking your ankle just by walking out of the bathroom.
"Darling you look amazing though!" She gushed.
"You will totally get layed toniht!" She bluntly states and you whack her.
"F/N! I am not gonna be looking for a hookup! " You state indignantly.
Honestly the only reason you ever let yourself get talked into the was becuease she said that she would pay for your drinks.
You groaned as she ushers you into the bathroom, grabbing your makeup and storing you down on the toilet seat.
She had always been so much better at doing makeup then you... hwoever that might also be becuease that was her job and had been for five years striaght.
One you were done, you guys walked out of the houss.
It was already about six so the club would be packed like usual.
You hated clubs with a passion. You would much rather be at home watching f/s.
You continued to stumble slightly every now and then as you walked to the bar, giving her a small glare everytime.
Who could ever walk in these?! You think angrily as you take a seat at the bar.
"Now go have fun, I'll be here drinking." You state, knowing she was here to find some cute one night stand.
"Okay, be safe." She says, kissing the top of your head before leaving into the terrible crowd of people.
You started off with a shot of whiskey, continuing on that for a couple rounds.
You wanted to drink enough tonight so you wouldn't remember it tomorrow.
After six shots of whiskey, you moved onto a glass instead. Sadly, however, it would take you a lot of alchol to get as drunk as you wanted to be. You had a high tolerance when it came to drinking.
Six shots and three glasses of chugged whiskey, two shots of tequila later, you found yourself becoming slightky buzzed.
A man with shaggy blond hair as light stubble with hazel eyes sat on the stool next to you, he reeked of beer.
"Hey babe, can I buy you a drink?" He slurs.
"Aure." You say, deciding that it would be ncie if f/n did have to pay for another drink.
As soon as he refilled your glass you thanked him, grabbed the glass, and left.
He asked if he could refill your glass, you didn't say you would talk to him.
Bitchy?  Perhaps. Did you care? No.
You went to a seat in the corner of the bar and you shook your head as you spotted f/n making out with a black haired man while she pawed at  the man's chest who sat next to them.
you survey the room, finding the music terrible and the people irritating, you hated this place, not to mention you were going to kill yourself with these damn heels.
You grabbed your phone out of your jacket pocket, boredly going through your social media.
"Hello." You hear a man speak and you don't look up, but say, "I don't want a drink, conversastion, small talk, looks, quiestions, or to be near anyone right now. The only reason I am here is for- honestly I don't even know why becuease she is only gonna leave with some dude. Or dudes depending on how that encounter worked out." You say the last part more to yourself.
"Someone's in a moood." They joke.
"Anything I can do in order to get a name?" He asks.
"Leave me alone." You answer.
"Okay. Good talk." He says, clapping his hands together and leaves the booth.
You continue looking through your phone, bored as hell.
You could barely think becuease the music and people around you were so loud.
As the night went on you felt yourself becoming drunker and drunker, the people and music not looking assesses annoying now.
Around five guys had attempted to talk to you but you simply asked them to leave, telling them you didn't want conversastion.
You found yourself really having to take a piss st around ten or eleven so you got up on your wobbly heels, trying to to fall over before starting your walk to the restroom.
When you came out back into the noisey room you found yourself gaining a headache by the second.
You started walking back to the booth you had sat at only to see it convinscated by an attractive male and about three females in rather unerringly short dresses, fishnet stalkings, and ten inch heels that you would undoubtedly die in.
Ones dress was nearly see through, the others dress completely black and the other was wearing a loose white shirt and dark blue skinny jeans with weird heels.
The man appeared to have a ripped shirt, blue jeans, and what you thought to be a cutie mark on his face.
He seemed interested in the conversastion that they were all having as he sipped on his glass of whiskey.
Sighing, you went to a different booths hat was empty.
There were booths, stools at the bar, and a dance floor.
About an hour later you found yourself to be fully drunk, your tab was probably in the thousands now and you felt guilty and would probably end up paying it yourself becuease you didn't wanna make her pay.
F/n was nowhere to be found so you assumed she already found a hookup and you sighed.
You wanted to leave but you didn't wanna shove through the people to get to the exit.
You went to the bathroom, this time to be somewhere more quiet for a bit.
God you hated clubs.
You stayed there for probably fifteen minutes before you left and made your way to the bar.
You told the bartender you were gonna pay cuase you were leaving but when you spoke I he simply said, "babe it's already payed off."
"What by who?" You question eith furrowed eyebrows.
"But hat guy." He says and pointed to the man that had taken your booth a couple hours earlier. He was with a new girl now, talking and luaghing.
He had die leaned against the wall, his arm leaning on the wall over her head, whiskey in hand and was probably about five inches away from her.
"Er- thanks" You say uncomfertably.
Before you turned your attention to the exit, you saw out of the corner of his eye that he glanced at you before einterupting the girl speaking to say something.
You started slowly for the exit, not wanting to die before you left.
You called for a taxi so it would be here sooner so you didn't have to wait outside as long.
However apparently walking near a lot of people while drunk and in large heels in a bad idea and you tend to fall... which is exactly what you did.
Loosing your footing, you nearly topple to the ground, however someone cuaght you and lifted you to your feet.
"Looks like I got here just in time." The man jokes and you look up to see its the same guy who stole your booth and payed your tab.
"Thanks" You say with a slight slur.
"You aren't driving right?" He asks, giving a concerned look.
"Don't be stupid I called a cav." You tell him.
"Are you gonna be outside alone?" He asks.
"Nope. I got the Lord on my side, brotha" You say sarcastically, puffing out your lips as you hold a peace sign to your chest before bopping him in the face with it and luaghing slightly.
"It's dangerous to be outside in the middle of the night while drunk, you know this right?" He asks after chuckling at your drunken state.
"Look Mister I know that you obviously care much about women, whether it's their safety or how they look without cloths but I assure you I'll live to see another day." You slur, pettting his soft long black hair.
"Got a name?" He asks, taking another sip of his drink.
"Y/n. And you are?" You ask.
He's about to answer but you stop him, "wait wait wait I wanna guess!" You say excitedly, "okay so you obviously come here to pick up girls, you are obviuzly good with them- or maybe it's the heir. It's soft. I dig it- your kinda muscular, finger tipz callused so you obviously play some kinda stringz instrument, your face is kinda soft looking but in a good way, and your dress code looks way more comfertable then the shit I was forzed into tonight- is it..... john?-" "no"
"Uhu" He says, shaking his head and taking another sip.
"Fuck- okay your pretty purtty so perhaps a less- um... I dont know.." you say, thinking for a moment before saying, "Male stripper?" He gave you an amused smile and luaghed.
"No. No that isn't it either." He states.
"Fuck then just tell me your name becuease I done guessing. All I got iz you play guitar or somethin', are good with da lady'z, have been drinking the same thing all night, and your hair is fuckin' fabulous." You state, annoyed.
"It's Ashley" He tells you finally.
"Er- are- are you secretly transgender..?" You ask, stepping closer to him.
"No. No I am not" He luaghs and you suddenly feel kinda awkward.
Damn you alcohol!
However it didn't stop there, it continued spilling out your mouth before you could stop anything.
"Okay will goodnughrt Mister fluffy haired maan." You say, petting his hair again.
"Can I atleast stay outside with you until your cab is here?" Ashley asks.
"Man you just wanna go fuck someone. Go fuck someone. I got dis shit" You state rather loudly on accidint.
"Okay can I ask you one more quiestion?" He asks.
"If it pleases thy hair." You reply, bowing slightly and almost falling in the process.

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