5 O'Clock PM

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   Oh no! Oh no! I thought as I broke into a sprint and felt myself become lighter and stretched my small powerful wings. I soared over my neighborhood with the blue 4 o'clock sky above me and scanned the streets. I neared the park, where I figured I had the best change of finding her. Shado, that is. She probably thinks that I forgot about her! I thought well, I mean, technically that's true. I did forget. I was too busy with Oliver and Sarah. I was now looking down upon the park and I flew closer to the ground and looked around with my sharp eyesight. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Shado sitting on a bench alone drawing. I flew swiftly over and perched on the bench next to her. I felt my feathers dissolve away into human flesh.

"Shado I'm so sorry!" Shado opened her mouth to say something but I kept rambling on. "I know we said we would meet but my brother interrupted me and I started talking to this other girl and..."
"I know I know! I understand if you don't want to be friends."
"Kat!! Quite talking! You're being ridiculous!"
"Really?" I ask her.
"Of course! I know that things happen! I figured that you just got caught up in your, you know, Raven business."
"Ah yes, well in a way I suppose. So reschedule?"
"Yeah!" Shado got up from the bench, clutching her sketchbook. "When are you free?"
I stood up, "How 'bout tomorrow at 12 for lunch?"
"Okay cool!" She said happily. Then quickly tapped her phone to mine and they both made beeps.
"What was that?" I asked.
"I have this app on my phone that gives people my number. And I just gave it to you. Just in case."
"Oh." I said. "Well, I guess see you tomorrow!"
"'Kay see you!"

By now it was 5 and still sunny but slightly cloudy. As I turned around watching the clouds move in the sky, I tripped into something, or rather someone. I looked up into beautiful smiling eyes. Ah, I thought, look at that he's caught me again. My eyes went swiftly to his lips then back to his eyes. Our faces were so close that I could feel his breath.
"Hello Sebastian." I breathed. His lips twitched on the edges, and we were just so close now. I did something daring. Something I would never dream of doing for real. I leaned my face up and our lips touched.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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