PART 1: I MISS YOU. Chapter 1

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My bag was almost full. I didn't realized how much of my stuff I left in Damon's place until now. It was almost 5 pm which means he was about to leave his job and head back home, I had about 30 minutes to grab the rest of my things and take off, otherwise I would have to face him, which was something I was avoiding for the past week.

10 minutes later I was done, so I grabed my bag and left my key on the kitchen table before I head out. I thought about keeping the key to myself, just in case I needed for some reason, but then I realized that it would only make my recovery worse. So, now I was determined to get rid of all his things. This was actually my best friend's, Wheein, idea, so if it don't work out, I can blame it on her.

I got outside to the street that, at this point, was very familiar to me. The hot dog trailer, that had saved me so many times, was still parked at the street corner, as it has been for the past two years, and the scent of flowers that came from the little flower shop on the other side of the road, still flooded the whole avenue. I liked that, it felt like home. It made me sad to think that I would probably never eat the hot dog or smell those flowers again. I would even miss the neighbor's dog who never shut up.

Damn it! I don't want to think about it now, I don't want to start crying again. This is just a break up, everybody pass through this at least once in their lives, why does it have to be so hard for me? Why can't I just accept it and move on?
"Ugh, get your shit together, Solar!" I walk towards my car with this thought in mind, put my bag in the backseat and take one last look at Damon's house before I start the car and leave.

In fact I did knew why it was being so hard to get over this situation. Me and Damon had been a couple for the past two years and three months, it was sad to see it all ending like this, but more than that, it was very frustrating. I spent more than two years of my life dedicating myself to this relationship, I really thought he was the real deal and that we would grow old together, have a life together, but suddenly all the promises didn't worth a thing, he throw it all away because "we are not the same anymore, and both of us deserve a chance to go out and find out who we've become", that was his exact words. And I spent the last week trying to figure it out when exactly did he starts feeling this way, because to me, we were still the same. But I think it's useless to try to understand this crap now.

I get home and all I wanna do is take a hot and relaxing bath and wash this day away. Going back to his place was really stressful, I didn't thought I would care this much, but apparently I don't know myself that well. Anyways, I could really use a good night of sleep after all this.

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