PART 2: PIANO MAN. Chapter 3.

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It was nine o'clock sharp when Wheein honked outside my house, sometimes I hate how ponctual she can be. I was putting on my heels as she honked again. Ponctual and impatient. Two words that can describe Wheein's personality precisely. I still wasn't sure about going out tonight, all I wanted to do was stay home, watch some cheesy romcom and eat chocolate, which is all I've been doing since Damon broke up with me. But, if I told Wheein about that, she would pluck my head off with her own hands.

Another honk. OH MY GOD.

"Hey." Wheein said when I got to her car "What took you so long?"

"Wheein, you literally arrived, like, thirty seconds ago."

"I was afraid you would back out on me."

"You know I would never do that."

"You mean, never do that AGAIN."

That definitly wouldn't be the first time I would do that to Wheein. When Damon and I first start going out, I used to cancel on her all the time, but I had already apologized about it way too long ago when she throw at my face that I was being a terrible friend. And now, that the wounds are healed, we just joke about it. 

"Oh, yeah, you got me there." 

She laughs at me and that makes me feel warm inside.

"Come on, Hwasa's waiting for us."

As soon as I get on board, Wheein turns the radio on and there's an old hip hop song playing, she knows that that's the kind of music I love. Wheein starts to sing along to the song and make some funny and weird faces as if she was interpreting the lyrics. I couldn't help myself to laugh at that and sing along with her, she sure did knew how to lift my mood up. I was so grateful to have her in my life.


We were already close enough so I could see the word MAMAMOO shining on the top of the club's entrance, it was beautiful. The red walls on the outside and the sign was very flashy. It would be impossible for anyone to not notice the place. 

It was still early, but there was already a line of people waiting to go inside, the club was really improving, I am so proud of Hwasa.

Of course Wheein and I didn't had to wait in line, as Wheein is the owner's girlfriend and everyone there already knew it, we just got in with no problems.

The inside was even more spectacular than the exterior. It had a high ceiling with a majestic chandellier coming down right in the center of the club, were the tables were. In the back, behind the tables, was the dance floor and a little stage for the band, by the way, the band was playing some old rock music that I recognized but couldn't remember the name. The most part of the walls had mirrors, which made the club looks even bigger and sophisticated. And finally, on the left was the bar, and that's where we were going.

Hwasa was there, working as the bartender, she could hire someone to do the job, but Hwasa had already explained to me that she didn't work because she had to, she did that because she likes it. Hwasa actually started working here as the bartender when she was only eighteen, but the place was very different, it was like any other club in the city, with expansive drinks and bad music. The business wasn't going to well and when the old owner decided to sell the place, Hwasa saw her opportunity. She asked her father to help her with the expenses at the beginning, but now, she basically run the place all by her self. I mean, her and Wheein. It was pretty impressive.

"Hey, girls." Hwasa says with a big smile when she sees us approaching.

Wheein sits down in the chair in front of the bar and stretches over the counter to give hwasa a kiss "Hey, baby."

"Ugh, you guys are disgusting." I say as a sit down next to Wheein and Hwasa just give me a look.

"Solar! I missed your sarcastic comments" Hwasa is smiling now "How are you?"

"Better, I think."

"Here." Hwasa hands me a mojito "Wheein said you were looking foward to this."

I smile as I take the mojito from her and take a sip "I was."

I looked over to the dance floor and the band was now thanking and saying their goodbyes.

"Wow, the band is over already?" I asked Wheein, since Hwasa was attending other clients.

"Yes. Hwasa hired a pianist a few days ago and everybody loved her. So she's coming to play again today."

The band was already leaving the stage and some of the people who was on the dance floor was now sitting down or coming to the bar to drink something. Now I had a clean view of the stage.

A few minutes later the pianist that Wheein talked about got on the stage. She was gorgeous. No, she was more than that. She had a long grayish hair and a thin face. The girl was wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath and a black tie. When she started to play the piano I couldn't take my eyes off her. I didn't recognize what she was playing, but it sounded like jazz, it was lively and at the same time comforting. I got hypnotized by the way her hands was moving. I just stood there watching, she knew what she was doing, it was absolutely wonderful.

"She's good, huh?" 

I was so concentrated on the girl playing, that for a moment I forgot that I was there with Wheein.

"Yes, she is. What's her name?"



I won't forget that.


note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR BEAUTIFUL KIM YONGSUN. She deserves everything good this world has to offer 💜

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