PART 1: I MISS YOU. Chapter 2.

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The next morning I didn't felt better at all. I mean, my body was well rested, but my mind was exhausted of overthinking everything that has happened. Anyway, I have to go to work, and I'm trully excited for it, because at least there I have other things that I can focus on. Therefore, I should just get ready before I start thinking about Damon all over again.

The place where I work is actually very nice. It's a hotel, but not only any hotel, it's the biggest hotel in the city, it is famous for hosting some of the best parties in the entire country. But, that's not the reason I love it so much. The truth is, I've always been a fan of hotels. When I was little my dad was always travelling due to his job, and sometimes he would take me and my mom with him, and we used to stay in these fancy hotels, that had white sheets and baths in every bathroom. Anyhow, I also like the idea of hotels. The thought that there's always new people to meet and new stories to be made, new places to visit and new things to learn. This kind of stuff really make me happy, that's why I never complain about my job. But although I like it, I don't want to be just the receptionist forever, the main goal is to have my own hotel someday, something I can manage my own way. 

I get there at 8:20am, ten minutes before my shift starts, but the loby is already crowded. There's people checking out, others checking in, others just want to know when the next party will be. I realized that that was going to be a very full day.

"Oh hey, Solar. Right on time." Sue said when she saw me. Sue was one of the other recepitionsts, she usually work at the night shift, so we just spoke when I was coming in and she was heading out. Our conversations were basically the same everyday.

"I am actually ten minutes early." I said while I kept my personal things in my locker behind the counter.

Sue was doing the check out of some old lady and when she was done she got the room key back and said, with some bad fake smile:

"Thank you for staying with us." then she turned to me "And thank you for that, because I am exhausted."

Then she just grabed her stuff from her locker and sent me a kiss on her way out. It was time to work.   


The day was indeed very busy, there was a holiday coming so the hotel was already full with tourists, which was a fun 'cause it was nice to see so many different people, all gathered in one place. The bad part was the people who doesn't speak my language, it was always a challenge to understand what the person was trying to say, but we always figure it out a way to communicate in the end.

I was only thirty minutes away from the end of my shift when I saw a familiar face coming through the entrance door. It was my best friend Wheein, and just to see her made my day ten times better.

"Hey there, single lady." Wheein said while her unique smile was formed on her face.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." I hugged her, and she hugged me back, tighter than the usual.

"So, how are you? You haven't text me after you get to Damon's place yesterday."

"Yeah, I had too much on my mind. But I'm better now. As far as possible."

"Great. Cause I know just the thing that will make you feel better." Wheein had her 'good idea' look on her face, and  I knew her just too well to know that whatever was coming was not a good idea at all. "We should go to Mamamoo's tonight. YAY"

"What? Hwasa's club? How would that make me feel better?" 

"Well, there's going to be music, people, we can dance and sing. And" she make a dramatic pause "free mojitos." 

"I don't know, Wheein, I am really not in the mood for partying, and besides, I don't wanna be the third wheel for you and Hwasa."

"Nonsense, Hwasa it's going to be working, so it's going to be just us. Like the old times." she look at me with her best puppy eyes "Please?"

"Argh, okay!" she let out an scream of excitement and hug me again "But I'm just doing this for the free mojitos."

"Whatever you say, baby. I'll pick you up at nine, be ready. And dress something nice" Wheein is almost at the door when she say the last part and then she leaves with a even bigger smile than when she arrived.

I guess I'll be busy tonight too, then.

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