18. date

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suh duds

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codychristian | bae

username12 | I SHIP CIT SO HARD

couldntbebothered | who doesn't ? @username12

tylerposey58 | @couldntbebothered me

couldntbebothered | wOAH HE RESPONDED

kitwash | @couldntbebothered your caps lock is on xD

couldntbebothered | fangirling so hard rn :D

shelleyhennig | kit should come to set one day

hollandroden | @shelleyhennig OMG YES


cit | they're all friendship goals

kitwash | MOM @hollandroden


tylerposey58 | I still luh you doe @codychristian

codychristian | @tylerposey58 ofc ily 2 bro

obrosey | bromance is almost as good as obrosey

kitwash | nothing will ever be as good as obrosey

dylansprayberry | since dyl isn't here, on behalf of him I will say thanks bro

shelleyhennig | we should kik eachother

hollandroden | yES lmao

kitwash | ight den


kittykat: ur girl is here

starmansharman: HEY BUDDY

theoriginaldyl: we were just talking about you

tychild: STFU DYLAN

dylfruit: yes we were

tychild: omf

hellsshells: he LUHVS you

cohdy: lmao

kittykat: bae fight him

tychild: omf

kittykat: iF YU SAY OMF AGAIN

tychild: o
tychild: m
tychild: f

rhamboe: OH DAMN

hecklin: OH SHIT

strawberry: welp

remydalemy: im late wtf is happening

rhamboe: someone is about to get there ass kicked

starmansharman: by kit

tychild: no she loves me too much

kittykat: damn your right

remydalemy: *youre

hecklin: ^^

tychild: STAHP

kittykat: ^^
kittykat: lmao I ship hoechlin and remy

strawberry: ofc who doesn't

theoriginaldyl: mE

dylfruit: rEALLY

theoriginaldyl: jk they'd be a gr8 couple

remydalemy: *are

starmansharman: HOLY SHIT

rhamboe: OML WHAAAT

hecklin: nah she's kidding xD

remydalemy: yah I don't like him teehee

kittykat: WHAT

hellsshells: everything I know is a lie

remydalemy: I do like someone in dis group chat thooo

rhamboe: ooooo

cohdy: do tell

kittykat: is it me

theoriginaldyl: *youre looking for

hecklin: Lionel Richie

remydalemy: yep it's kit

tychild: I have more competition

strawberry: lmao xD

kittykat: nah y'all already lost

strawberry: ooooo that had to hurt

cohdy: can we at least go out once???

kittykat: foine

tychild: I'm okay wit dis

cohdy: YES

starmansharman: idk who I ship more

rhamboe: idk either xD

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