#27 - Delayed Arrival

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Jin would not stop pestering you; Yoongi and Namjoon hadn't returned for three days straight. You were worried yourself, but you had no room to complain and persevered every urge to do so.

You and the house were left at the care of the care takers who occasionally came over to clean the house, and tidy it while Yoongi left the boys - Jungkook, Jimin and Jin - in your care. You'd protested, saying you'd no idea how to take care of three full grown males. But he simply patted your head saying that you knew and understood everything much more than any of the three ever would. You just wondered if Jin still didn't know what Namjoon was if Yoongi was so sure of what he said. And he'd strictly ordered not to let any of them out of the house if you didn't want bodies on the doorstep the next moment. Although there was a Barrier that protected the house, it wouldn't be foolproof and was possible it would break the moment Yoongi stepped out of it's protective circumference.

The thought positively appalled you, though. If it was just as much risky to step outside the house, you wondered if you were really safe inside. You were glad Jungkook and Jimin didn't have to attend training for two weeks, since the forecast was heavy snow. But, you didn't want to let them take a chance to leave either.

'But, Y/N!' Jungkook whined when you didn't allow them to leave the house for the third time that day, 'We're literally fried from all the heaters in the house. Let us at least go out for a snowball fight.'

You shook your head, 'A no is a no, Jeon Jungkook.' You said, to which he artfully scoffed. 'You're not my mother!'

'Jungkook!' Your eyes widened as you hid the stinging feeling you got from his harsh words. You were about to lash out on him when Jin came along. A hand placed itself on your shoulder, and you knew it was to stop from doing or saying anything that you'd regret afterwards.

'No, Y/N. It's alright boys, go play out for a while, but come back when we call you.' Jin smiled at the boys, and Jimin taking his signal to escort Jungkook and himself out, they left.

You turned to Jin once they closed the door behind them, 'Why did you let them leave?' You frowned, you hand stretching as it pointed to the door they left through. And Jin simply looked at you. He was well aware of the fact you were going through enough already. Taehyung having left, to who knows where and Yoongi along with Namjoon out there looking for him, the last thing you would want is Jungkook and Jimin getting into massive, massive trouble.

'They're just kids, Y/N. And you know Jungkook didn't mean what he said.' He cooed as he caressed your hair. Tears pooled in your eyes, and he hugged you, comfortingly wrapping his arms around your petite figure. Thanks to his broad shoulders, you always looked so.

You let out the sobs that ached to leave your throat, 'I-I'm scared, Jin. What- what if we're not safe here?' You hiccuped slightly, and Jin continued caressing your head. You clenched a fistful of his shirt.

'I'm sorry for not taking care of you properly, love.' He said after a long moment of silence. He rested his cheek on your head and swayed his body back and forth lightly, knowing it greatly comforted you. You felt the fear fade away, but not completely. You had yet to know if Yoongi had found Taehyung.

You pulled away from Jin's embrace, sniffling a little, as he looked at you cautiously.
'Let me make you some hot chocolate, hmm?' He asked, to which you nodded, before he grabbed your hand and guided you to the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen, you couldn't help but look out the window every minute later, to make sure the boys were safe. You fiddled with your fingers on the island counter as you sat there, with Jin walking around to take the essentials to make the hot chocolate. He saw you getting impatient and fidgety, as you craned your neck ever moment or so to glance out the window that gave you a clear view of your brother and his friend. Just to be sure, you reasoned.

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