#37 - Finding Reasons

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It was a day and a half before Yoongi had woken up. And all of you were very close to believing he was dying since he'd barely any color on his face when he'd arrived. Taehyung wondered how they'd even managed to escape from wherever they were held captive. If it were the dungeons of Kronell, he knew one needed more than just luck to even survive there.

Yoongi sat across you at the table, his legs tucked underneath him, beside Jimin while you, Taehyung and Jungkook sat opposite him. Jin insisted on waiting until Namjoon woke up. You pitied him; and none of you could gather the courage to go up to Jin and tell him it could probably be too late, considering the fact that Namjoon was left to bleed. Like how Yoongi had told you all that morning.

'I'd be surprised if I saw Namjoon walking into the kitchen right now, to be honest.' Yoongi spoke softly before he placed his cup down on the table. You fiddled with your fingers, 'We can always hope, Yoongi. Even you walking into the kitchen for a cup of coffee was a surprise to us,' he responded with a snicker at your half-hearted comment.

'I'm not that easy to get rid of, if that's what you're saying.' He joked, rubbing his right wrist where a red band of dried blood stained his pale skin. You flinched when his fingers ran over them, an uneasy feeling pooling in your stomach. Close to death, and still managing to crack jokes. You wondered how many times exactly he'd been threatened with death knocking his door.

'How did you escape?' You asked, your eyes still on his hand.

'My cousin helped us. I don't know why though. But it won't be long before Father kills him and comes for us himself.' He spoke nonchalantly, a gasp leaving Jimin's lips. Really, was he so used to the idea of being close to killed that he barely spared a thought for his cousin who - he was sure - was about to die?

'Wh-what do you mean, kills him and comes himself? This is- we're not safe?' Jimin's voice shook with fear and you could feel the worry drown every other emotion inside you. One glance at Jungkook dug them below even further. So far you were sure you wouldn't ever be able to reach them. When would this ever get over?

'I'm afraid not. I would've stayed there, to stall them, but Namjoon...he couldn't possible stay in that state, also considering he has a mate. He'd barely survive. Hopefully, Jin being by his side will help him heal faster.' Yoongi explained before shaking his head to a side to flip his bangs that fell over his eyes. Taehyung stayed quiet the whole time, which actually caught your attention. You'd noticed him pulling away from the rest of you - especially you - farther and farther away, that at one point he didn't even flinch when Jungkook pinched his wrist to snap him conscious from a trance.

'Tae? Are you okay? You've been quiet since they've come.' You asked, placing a worried hand on his lap. He simply smiled at you with a nod before looking away. Even when you both were alone, he wouldn't talk to you. He'd just give you one word answers or none at all if you asked him something. You wondered the worst of your fears - was it something you'd said or done, again?

Little did you know, the fact that his mark hadn't disappeared was what had been on his mind since the day before. He had never felt so helpless, hopeless even. He was beginning to think you were not actually his soul mate, and maybe, he belonged to someone else. What if that was the case? Would he have to leave you? His head was swamped with such thoughts, but every time he would see you worried about him, all of them would clear away, reminding him that you loved him. There had to be another reason.

Yoongi heard a fraction of Taehyung's thoughts. He let his eyes stay on Taehyung for quite a while before he got up from the table, 'I'm going to my study. I'll be there for a while, so don't disturb me.' All of you nodded, except for Taehyung. Typical.

He walked upstairs, and just as he was about to get onto the next flight of stairs, he decided he'd check on Namjoon.

Walking to his left, he opened the first door to his right, his sight greeted with a shirtless and wounded Namjoon with a tired Jin by his side, resting his head on his folded hands, a soft snore escaping both of their lips as they slept. Yoongi smiled fondly, before walking up to Namjoon.

He checked his vitals, made sure his heart was still pumping blood. His blood pressure remained normal, and his color was returning. Maybe it wouldn't be too long before he woke up. He let out a sigh of relief before padding away out of the room and upstairs to his study.

He closed the door to his study, inhaling deeply before walking over to his chair. The moment he sat on it, he felt the energy surge through him, the same energy he had felt before any of this happened. He was simply thankful there was a study room in the safehouse. It was nice to be alone for a while.

Since it was his first time here, the room was empty except for the table and the two chairs, one on each side, him sitting on one. He turned around, facing the window that portrayed the gray sky. The color reflecting the times everybody was going through right now. That's when his thoughts drifted to Taehyung.

'He said his mark hadn't disappeared...' Yoongi spoke to himself, as he propped his elbows on the armrests of the chair, his fingers interlocked.

As he watched the sky, the wheels in his head turned quick as he began trying to figure out what might actually be happening to Taehyung. Firstly, you must have already told Taehyung you loved him, otherwise there was no other reason why Taehyung would be so worried about it in the first place. Yoongi was sure you both had mated, he could sniff it the moment he had walked in to the kitchen.

Then what exactly is the issue? Yoongi's brows tightened together as he closed his eyes.

Then it clicked him. He turned around in his chair swiftly, before placing both his palms flat on the table's surface.

'If I'm not wrong...' He began, his voice trailing off as he silently called for Taehyung to come upstairs. In seconds, he heard the door being knocked on.

'Come in.' Yoongi called out, and saw Taehyung poking his head in before walking into the room, his hands intertwined to stop them from fidgeting as he stood there, unmoving. Yoongi signaled him to sit on the chair that stood opposite the table, Taehyung sitting without any hesitation.

'Why did you call me?' Taehyung questioned the moment he sat down, his eyes following Yoongi as he got up from his chair to walk in front of his table, before resting his hip against it, facing Taehyung.

'You're worried about your mark, yes?' Yoongi questioned, as he eyed Taehyung curiously. His eyes widened, 'I- er -no, not really.' Yoongi rolled his eyes.

'I heard you at the table, Taehyung. You can't hide it even if you wanted to.' Yoongi said, earning a defeated sigh from Taehyung. He looked down at his fingers, his palms slightly sweaty before he looked back up, feckless as ever, 'Yes.. I am worried about it.' Yoongi nodded his head, dreading the moment he'd have to explain to Taehyung why so.

'And you have a good reason to be.' Yoongi looked at Taehyung dead in the eyes as he said it.

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