#29 - Familiar Face

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It was the first thing Yoongi heard himself roar as he pushed open the door to the room Taehyung rested in, and was vulnerable to the Banished Angel. And Yoongi, as his eyes fell upon you, tried hard to perceive the sight: You had your arms raised up high, your hands holding a dagger that aimed straight for Taehyung's faintly beating heart. And for a heartbeat, everything stopped.

The Sinner, who had yet to gain consciousness, remained with eyes closed, clueless of the tensing scene around him. While Yoongi had diverted Hijin's attention to him standing by the door, Namjoon was trying to hold back an arrogant Jungkook, who demanded that he see you.

'Jungkook!' Yoongi could hear Namjoon yell 'It's dangerous! Let Yoongi handle it. Do you really want to die?' Namjoon held both his hands against Jungkook's chest, keeping him away from the door.

Yoongi at the same time, slowly advanced towards you, noticing your eyes had gone blank for a second. And then in the next, your perspired forehead wrinkled as you frowned, before your head lifted to see Yoongi, his hands raised in front of him defensively. The moment you looked at him, he knew Hijin had left your body.

'Yoongi?' Your voice came out small and strangled, before your eyes went to the dagger in your hands. You screamed, whirling your hand as you threw the dagger away from yourself and Taehyung. Your chest heaved and you felt your knees buckle under invisible weight. Dropping to the floor, you stared wide eyed at the dagger that glinted as the light reflected against it. But it looked like as though it were beckoning you over, trying to con you into picking it up and finishing the job you'd initially come for... You had not wanted to come - it was that heat, the thing that was squatting inside you that had brought you here.

'Y/N!' Yoongi bolted towards you the moment he'd seen you fall. Kneeling down beside you, he watched as your eyes wouldn't leave the weapon lying on the floor, and your heart beat wouldn't calm down either. Your head, hazy and clouded with doubts and fear,was incapable of making any sense out of all the components in the room. He could tell that you'd had not a single idea of what happened.

'W-what happened?' You managed to let out the words in what sounded like strained squeaks. Yoongi wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you up, your whole body weight on him as your legs felt drained of all energy. He wrapped his other arm around your waist, supporting your body against him completely.

'Give it some time, Y/N,' Yoongi felt your knees wobble uncontrollably and avoided your question, as he held you in place. Once you were stable enough to move, Yoongi helped you get to the opposite room where the rest waited.

'Y/N!' Jungkook exclaimed as he gave a final push to Namjoon, making him fall over onto the floor as he ran up to you, wrapping protective arms around your neck and hugging you to his chest.

'How strong is this kid?' Namjoon muttered, staring at Jungkook's back in partial annoyance and awe.

You stood in your brother's embrace, not returning it. Noticing that, Jungkook pulled away and looked at you with worry, 'Y/N...Are you okay?'

You stared at him and gave him a vague nod, before cupping his cheek. You managed to flash him a small smile, 'Were you scared, Kookie?' You hoped he wasn't, because as far as you could make out, what ever had happened to you, was no drill and was something terrifying enough to have Yoongi shook. Even your own voice sounded like your throat was parched and burned. Perhaps it was so.

'No...but please don't scare me like that again.' He smiled back at you with tenderness in his eyes, but his eyebrows remained furrowed. This time, you embraced him and closed your eyes as you did so, and you felt his heart beat against your chest. He was scared, and he didn't want you to know.

Just as you pulled away, the door bell buzzed. Everybody in the room looked at each other and an exasperated sigh escaped Namjoon's lips.

'Who can it be at,' Jimin glanced at his watch, 'ten o'clock?'
Namjoon shrugged his shoulders and Yoongi eyed at his watch too. It wouldn't be Hijin, he knew that much. But he was done with uninvited guests.

'I'll go check it out.' Jin offered and began walking but was pulled back by Namjoon, 'Oh, no, you don't. I'm not having anybody take you from me. Let somebody else do it.' Namjoon pulled Jin to his chest and held him there and you could notice a faint blush on Jin's cheeks.

'Fine, I'll do it then.' Jimin spoke up, and looked at everybody. Yoongi looked at him thoughtfully for a while and shrugged his shoulders.

'I'll come with you.' He said and both of them left the room and down to the hall. You all followed, and you couldn't help but peek into Taehyung's room.
He hadn't woken up and you still didn't know what was wrong with him. And you vaguely remembered Yoongi talking to you about him, but you weren't exactly...present.

'Jungkook,' You looked at your brother who had an arm draped around your shoulder as you walked towards the staircase. You got a hum in reply, to let you ask your question, 'what happened to Taehyung?'

'The only thing I heard Yoongi Hyung say was he was dying. Then he took you upstairs. I don't think you were you when he spoke to you.' You stopped in your tracks as he told you that. The gears in your head began turning, fast.

'Yoongi!' You shouted, down to where he was about to leave out the door.

He looked up at you, squinting his eyes because of the bright chandelier. His pulse skyrocketed, thinking something had happened again.

'I'll stay up here with Tae, all right? I'll watch over him.'

You watched as Yoongi hesitated before finally agreeing. 'All right. If he wakes up, call me or Namjoon.'

As Yoongi and Jimin made their way side by side to the gate, their feet crunching over the snow that coated the cobbled driveway, he pondered over the moment that had occurred not too long ago. When he'd rushed into Taehyung's room, he'd unmistakably sensed his vitals returning to normal. And considering the fact that he and the others had been talking for quite a while in the opposite room - before finding out that Hijin had you in his custody - it was a not-so-pleasant surprise for Yoongi that the Banished Angel had taken quite a while just to pass a dagger through the Sinner's chest.

Not that he was complaining, though. Still, it was quite suspicious.

But then, he decided to wave it off figuring maybe you'd been trying to halt Hijin. And if you really had been, then he owed a lot to you - because he'd never forgive himself if Hijin had manged to get what he wanted. That man already had Taehyung's wing, and now he was after his life.

Too deep in thoughts, he hadn't noticed Jimin stopping a few feet away from the gate, making him bump into the younger's sturdy figure. His gasp came out as a puff of smoke in the air, his eyes still trained on the gate in front of him.
'What?' Yoongi questioned, to notice Jimin was actually squinting at a figure that was standing right behind the gate.

'He looks...familiar.' Jimin whispered and took small and hesitant steps towards him. Yoongi glanced at the man.

'Wait,' Yoongi held Jimin's shirt, and stopped him before stepping in front of him, 'Walk behind me.'
Jimin rolled his eyes but he couldn't ignore the seed of fear that had planted itself in his gut, which began sprouting as the silhouette became clearer and clearer, donning to Jimin as somebody really, painfully, familiar.

The duo reached the gate, Yoongi and Jimin a foot away, the man an arm's length from the entrance.

'Step into the light.' Yoongi ordered, and the man immediately obeyed. He stepped into the ray of moonlight that shone on the pavement, the side of his face illuminating brilliantly, showing straight, brown hair and an outfit not really fit for a cold night like the present.

Jimin peeped up from behind Yoongi, and squinted again as he struggled to look at the man through the gate.

His eyes widened with recognition and Yoongi heard him let out an audible gasp, making him feel uneasy.

'But that's not possible!' He heard Jimin squeak.

'What isn't?' Yoongi asked, briefly looking back at Jimin.

A pause.

'...that's Hoseok Hyung!' and Yoongi knew what he was, right then.

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