#41 - Dangerous Discovery

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Namjoon managed to get Jungkook into a corner of the kitchen while the rest of you were conversing at the table - or at least trying to. With the awkward atmosphere between you and Taehyung - which everybody could feel, Jungkook was more than thankful Namjoon pulled him out of there.

'Listen, Jungkook, I need a favor.' Namjoon whispered, his back completely facing the table, hiding Jungkook in front of him. Jungkook quirked an eyebrow, curious as to what kind of favor Namjoon could ask for. He nodded his head, 'Sure, what is it?'

'I left something of mine at Yoongi's manor...and with all of this-' Namjoon directed Jungkook's gaze to his hand that was supported by a sling and the bandages that were wrapped mainly around his torso, covering his wounds, '-I won't be able to leave. And Yoongi's busy with everything else, and I can't send Taehyung, your sister or-'

'Hyung,' Jungkook cut him off patiently, a dainty smile on his lips, 'I understand. I'll get whatever it is that you left there. Just tell me what it is.'

'It's well-' Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, Jungkook raising his brows in a beckoning manner, '-it's a cloak. It's my favorite, so...'

'You want me to get your cloak- your favorite cloak from Yoongi Hyung's place?' Jungkook asked with a playful tone in his voice, stifling a laugh. Namjoon nodded, his face serious as he looked at the younger, 'Yes.'

Jungkook nodded his head in an understanding way, asking Namjoon when he should get it.

Namjoon took longer than a moment, his eyes wavering to the left and freezing there, like he was taking his time to make an important decision. Jungkook was about to question him again when his eyes sharply returned to Jungkook's, 'Right now would be great.'

In ten minutes, and without consent from either you or Yoongi, Jungkook was making his way through the forest, following the same marks he remembered following that same night when they'd abandoned the manor. He shuddered at the memory, his thoughts too stubborn to think about anything cheerful. He silently cursed as a sharp branch scratched his face, his cold hand coming up to his face to feel it, his fingers being painted with the slightest amount of blood. Knowing it would leave a scar and twenty questions from you, he tried to pay more attention to his path this time.

In another few strides, he was beginning to see the roof of the Manor, him quickening his pace to make it through the creepy woods faster, as the sun was already beginning to go down. He made it to the other edge of the forest, where a few meters ahead was the latched door they'd all escaped through. He remembered Namjoon specifically asking him to go in through the back door since the front was barricaded, or so Namjoon was told. Just be cautious, he was advised.

Trudging up to the door he reached for the brass knob that was dusted with snow and immediately regretted it as he jerked his hand away from the stinging cold of the knob. Covering his hand with the sleeve of his sweater, he reached for the knob again and turned it swiftly before letting go and stepping inside the house. He shuddered as the cold bit into his face, the cut on his cheek burning slightly. Pressing his palms together, he rubbed them to create some warmth as he scanned the entirety of the kitchen.

Remembering Namjoon's room was upstairs, he jumped over the splintered wood that was previously the kitchen door. Then he froze.

He knew his first instinct should have been to run, as fast as his legs could carry him without turning his head back to see who it was, but no - instead, he stopped dead in his tracks as he eyed the silhouette that leaned against the banister of the staircase. Jungkook squinted his eyes, and found himself staring right into a pair of brilliant ruby eyes. The silhouette stepped out of the darkness, into a strip of light that was shining on the marble floor through the grime-covered window, the face being all too familiar to Jungkook: 'Hoseok Hyung?'

"Found him."

'Really, kid, I don't know you or your friend.' Hoseok took a second to let a scoff adorn his features, referring to Jimin who had addressed him by his name the last time he'd appeared. 'So-' Jungkook felt all the air escaping his lungs as Hoseok flashed right in front of him, a few inches away, a demonic look in his eyes as a smirk formed on his lips, '-if your life is precious to you, take me to Yoongi.'

'I-I don't know-'

'Now.' Jungkook remembered this same person to be very patient and soft-spoken, which the man - or whatever he was - was already contradicting.

'Maybe I should tell you how I got you in the first place,' A soft but devilish chuckle left his mouth, a very loud voice yelling inside his head soon after, "Hoseok, you will not tell him. Just do your fucking job!"

With a roll of his eyes, Hoseok mumbled a 'never mind', before his hand went up to Jungkook's hair, him flinching as Hoseok's hand grazed the cut on his cheek, 'I will give you exactly three seconds. You will tell me where Yoongi is, or else I will simply consider your life a wasteful sacrifice.'

Jungkook did not respond, which got Hoseok infuriated, when he heard Jungkook thinking, "As long as Y/N will be safe..."

'Ah, okay then, I'll take your sister's life? Fair now, isn't it? You get to live.' A playful smirk stretched the span of his face, giving him the look of the Cheshire cat, Jungkook's eyes widening as he heard his fears being voiced by Hoseok. His head moved on it's own, it shaking so vigorously Hoseok almost went to hold his head.

'I- No, not her, please. If...if I tell you, will you let her and me go?' Jungkook could care less about anybody else at this point. If it was one thing the Jeon family knew, it was their golden rule of always keeping the family first.

A sinister laugh - so feral that it scared Jungkook even more than he already was - sounded around him, enough to cost him a lifetime of sleep. Hoseok's laugh ended with a masochistic look, his voice getting husky as he lowered it to a whisper, before leaning over to Jungkook's ear, 'Of course.'

"We're coming." Hoseok had a smug look on his face, holding Jungkook by the collar as he let him lead but kept him under his control, while Jungkook silently begged for forgiveness from you - knowing he might not be able to talk to you again. He knew he had just put the life of every other person in the safehouse in endangerment, a feeling of guilt and woe feasting at his heart.

"I'll get them ready."

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