#38 - Dark Confessions

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A frown creased Taehyung's forehead, his pulse quickening with anticipation, and sweat already creating reservoirs in his clenched fists. Yoongi waited for a go ahead, a nod of the head or even a grunt before he went on. He knew it was possibly a sensitive topic, since it had almost everything to do with you.

Actually, screw that, it had everything to do with you.

Taehyung took a while to process it, his mind swarming with the possibilities he'd conjured up himself. Clearing his throat, he finally got himself to look Yoongi in the eyes, 'Okay, tell me.'

Nodding his head, Yoongi sighed before walking back to his chair, his leg folded on top the other. His head bowed low, his eyes for a moment being covered with his black hair, before he leaned forward, propping his elbows against the desk, his eyes now determined not to leave the Sinner's. 'You've been living for three hundred years now, right?'

Taehyung bit his lip. Yes and no.

'Technically, yes.' He said instead.

Yoongi's brows raised questioningly at his answer, 'Technically?'

'Yes, three hundred years in Kronell.' Taehyung conveyed, and Yoongi felt he just needed one more piece of crucial information before he put the final and most complicated piece of the puzzle together. He already wasn't liking the feeling of it. He somehow began wishing he could procrastinate from continuing the conversation but...but that would mean betraying Taehyung. So he didn't.

'And, including your life as a mortal it sums up to?'

'Three hundred and twenty five.' As much as Yoongi wanted to pat himself on the back for his well awarding erudite skill, it did mean something grave for the Sinner. He'd found the final piece of the puzzle, and now all he had left to do was put it back; gently and with consideration.

'There's your answer.' Yoongi smiled softly, interlocking his fingers on the table as Taehyung's brows furrowed into a frown, before leaning forward, 'What? My age?' Yoongi leaned back into the chair again; he just could not stay still.

'That's right.' His hands had to move around too, making gestures as he began explaining to Taehyung as to why his age was an important factor in ending his life as a Sinner.

'You see, it's almost like an expiry date - it's not lasting. And as far as the longest recording of a Sinner's life goes, it is up to exactly three hundred years that they are eligible to end that phase of life and live with their soul mate-'

'So, you're telling me I can't live with Y/N?' Taehyung's eyes were reflecting nothing but worry and fear as Yoongi gently placed a comforting hand on Taehyung's tense shoulder from across the table, 'Let me finish.'

'It's not that you can not live with her per se, it is just that it will be hard for you to, since Kimroe will constantly be in search for you. Actually, it was because your age had exceeded that Father sent me...or so he said. You didn't know that, I suppose?' Taehyung shook his head vigorously, his Adam's apple bobbing as he gulped visibly.

'Well, since you have exceeded the age limit, your mark will be on your body as long as Kimroe himself grants you mortality - which, again, I highly doubt.' Yoongi explained further. As his words settled in, Taehyung was beyond relieved that you had in fact remained as his soul mate, but also felt extremely troubled by the fact that he wouldn't be able to live mortally with you - which he'd been dreaming of for so many years.

'So, it's- it's better if I leave Y/N? Or is there a way for me to stay?' Yoongi felt bad because he knew that there was really no way of survival this way. And it just made him feel even worse because he'd have to say it to him. He'd have to watch himself crush centuries long hope that lingered in the man's eyes.

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