Eunwoo: who's my valentine?

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Your POV


The bell rang and it's lunch time. I went to my locker and I got a love letter, again.

Hey (Y/N)...

Please don't skip lunch. I was worried if you didn't get to eat today. So please eat lunch together with me. Also, don't eat fast, you'll choke! And don't try to sleep again or you'll get caught. Im going to walk you home today... Arrasseo?

I love you so much but i don't know how to say it face to face. But you don't need to know who I am. Because you don't like me and probably you don't belong with me. By the way, happy valentines day^^

-your valentine

PS: im not moonbin

I keep getting this  love letter since 2 days ago. I was suspecting Moonbin because he's always looking at me smiling and the letter saying that it is not Moonbin. "Eunwoo-yah, do you think it's Moonbin?" I said to Eunwoo. "Its not him duh, can't you see theres a sentence saying its not him?" Eunwoo said. "C'mon he's just not good at making things not looking too obvious" i said hitting his shoulder. "Ugh you need to stop this... Lets eat lunch together" Eunwoo said ruffling my hair.

Eunwoo was my crush but i realized he's just a chairmate to me. Because of his good lookingness, alot of girls at my school were into him. But because he doesn't have friends except for me, everyone thinks that were dating and people start to hate me. But i don't really care.

We choose a spot to eat and we eat together. "(Y/N)-ah, why do you eat fast, eat slowly you pig" Eunwoo said to me with his death stare. I death stare him back. "Umm... can I sit next to you? The seat is full everywhere except here" Suddenly Moonbin standing next to me. "Sure! Why not..." i said to him. We talked alot and Eunwoo just keep staring at me.


After minutes i spend with Eunwoo and Moonbin in the cafeteria, the bell rang and it is time to go back to class. Eunwoo pulled me to the hallway. It was so quiet and he pushed me to the locker and his hand bangs next to my head. We were inches away. "Why are you so close with him" he said to me. I only looked at him. Our teacher came outside the teacher room and he suddenly went back to normal. "Next time, don't get too close with other guys. Especially him" Eunwoo said while walking back to class.

I went back from the toilet and Moonbin passed by. He's holding a love letter "(Y/N)-ah, can you help me?" He said giving the letter. I looked at him confused. "Is it-" "Give this to Nichan, Im her valentine but don't say its from me" he said to me scratching the back of his head. I only nod and I went back to class. While walking, i secretly opened the letter.

Dear Nichan

Can you go to the park behind school, I want to tell you something:)

-your valentine

If it's not Moonbin, then who keeps writing me this love letter? Is it, Eunwoo? It can't be him.


I saw (Y/N) looking confused and holding a letter that Moonbin gave him. I am (Y/N)'s valentine and I heard Moonbin was Nichan's valentine. Oh shoot she's going back to class. I'd better sat down back to my seat.

I sat down and (Y/N) went to Nichan's seat. "Hey Nichan, there's a letter for you" (Y/N) said to her. She went back to her seat and she sighed. "Ugh, i hope my valentine confess to me today". I'd probably should confess my feelings to her today

Your POV


The bell rang and it's time to go home. "(Y/N), kajja... lets go home" Eunwoo said to me smiling. I smiled back and we went home. His house was just blocks away from mine. We went around the park behind school and I saw Moonbin hugging Nichan. She was tearing, and Moonbin just hugging her tightly. "Such a couple goals" I said looking at them. "Yah, don't be like that" Eunwoo said smiling at me.

After a long walk, he said something. "(Y/N), i am your valentine". I stop walking and I looked at him. "Yes (Y/N), i love you. But i know you like-" "No, Eunwoo... i like you but everyone was into you that's why i try not to like you" I cut off his words. He hugged me tightly and he kissed me. We continue walking holding hands like a couple.

We arrived at my house. "(Y/N), i have something for you" he said giving me flowers and a box of chocolate. "Happy valentines day" he said to me. "Happy valentines day Eunwoo, good night" i said to him walking towards my front door. Suddenly, he ran towards me and he kissed me again, this time it was a long kiss. "I love you (Y/N)".

I went to bed and i opened the box of chocolate and there was a letter.

Hey (Y/N)...

I can't believe you accepted my feelings. Still shocked that Moonbin was not your valentine? That's ok but since you opened this box, it means that you are mine...


-definetly not moonbin :)
Aka Cha Eunwoo
This was the 3rd one^^

Im so in love with this one tho idk why

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