Fight For Me~Chapter 2

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My hands suddenly start to shake. Now I'm breathing heavily, I'm almost not breathing. I cry out for help but no one seems to notice, then I stop breathing. My vision is all black and I think I'm unconscious or even dead.

I wake up later. It felt like I was actually dead for a long time, but I guess they performed CPR, gave me meds and I felt better. My mom gives me an angry/disappointed look, because, I almost died. But this isn't the first time I've almost died.

That's why she's mad at me. Hey woman I can't control my heart stopping anymore! "Mom." I say. "You can't be mad at me. You can blame me but you can't be mad at me. That's not how it works." She shifts her frown into a smile.

"I love you too Melanie." She walks back into the waiting room. She always is in the waiting room. Waiting for me to be more alive. Waiting for me to feel better. Waiting for me to go home. Just waiting. That's what I absolutely hate about the waiting room.

I also hate spiders. Spiders are the worst. One time in this hospital room, there was a web in the corner and no one noticed but I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a giant spider hanging from the roof.

I screamed which made it obvious to everyone something was wrong. They smacked the stupid spider with a swiffer broom thing. I was happy once it was dead, but it rained the next day. I hate rain too, I hate a lot more than I love. Suddenly something--someone catches my eye.

A girl that looks about my age is in a hospital bed in the hallway most likely on her way to surgery. The thought of surgery makes me gag. I can't stand to think that people have cut me open a number of times.

The world almost stops when I see her, because maybe if she's still alive after the surgery, she will be my friend. Just maybe. I have friends but I don't have a giant squad that I text every day. No. I have three amazing, understanding, best friends. Lacey, Ocean and Violet.

When I was at school we were always the nicest group of our age. We never excluded anyone, we never said anything rude, we never hated anyone except for Rose. We all equally hated Rose for our own reasons.

But my friends and I are slowly drifting apart because I can't contact them. They've visited many times but they all are busy all the time. I want them to be here and to tell me to not lose hope. I want them to tell me to fight for them. To fight for everything.

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