Fight For Me~Chapter 6

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Uh oh, Someone's hurt. I move positions to stay quiet and listen to everything the doctors say. There's a lot of shouting but more whispering and now they are rolling the bed down the hallways. The doctors are sweating with nervousness of failing.

It's almost a blur when they go by. Everything's in slow motion and I can see the face of the patient. What? The patient is my sister? No. Please no, please someone tell me this is a dream and my younger sister isn't in the hospital.

No. "Ellie?!" I cry out. My mom suddenly pours herself into my room, wiping tears with a tissue. "Ellie's hurt." She says without any detail. "How?? What's wrong with her?" I question eagerly. "She... well she got very upset when she found out I lied to her about you being here." Mom confesses, staring blanking at the floor.

"Mom I've been here for seven months!" I shout. "...I know.. I told her that you were staying with Dad for a while." She admits, still giving the floor a blank stare like it just said something. "Mom! Why? But what happened to her?" I ask.

"She climbed the big oak tree that's on our property but... she fell off." Mom stutters crying. Ellie is only five years old, how did she climb that huge tree?? "I want to see her!" I yell. "After surgery or maybe tomorrow." She replies.


My tiny little sister, Ellie, is broken. Her leg is broken and her shoulder is separated. Ellie is so little, she's only five years old. I can't focus on anything right now. Hey Mom, Why are you upside down?

"Excuse me?" She asks looking concerned, confused and worried. "I said that out loud?" I question, I definitely didn't mean to say that out loud. Ugh now mom is going to put me in the mental hospital.
"N-nothing." I stutter. The room is spinning suddenly, and then the world is pitch black.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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