Fight For Me~Chapter 5

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They wheeled me slowly down the smelly hallway before I heard a loud cry. "Mom!" I shout when I see her sobbing into her hands. "Mom I'm okay!" I yell. She looks up and continues to sob uncontrollably. I want to run to her now, to sit beside her and comfort her until she feels better. But I can't. I squirm in the bed, i feel like plucking all those tubes out. My mom finally stands up and runs to me. While we're still moving she says, "Fight for me." I nod. "Fight for me Melanie!" She says one last time before I'm in the surgery room.
{flashback over}

I toss and turn in my bed. It's very late now and I'm supposed to be asleep but I can't fall asleep. I don't know why but it's like my eyes are meant to stay open. Like I'm supposed to stay alive. To stay alive here in this world. For Ocean, Lacey, and Violet. For my poor Mom who once had hope too.

I'm going to fight i think to myself. I'm going to fight for you. About a half an hour later I fall asleep. I keep dreaming of the same day that happened two years ago. Two years ago they found out about my cancer. I have been in and out of the hospital since then and I barely see my house.

I wake up every three hours to wait until I fall asleep again. I think about spiders and how I hate them, my friends and how I love them, my mom who is just like me, she's lot all of her hope and she will never find it ever.

I think about convincing the doctors to let me go to Lacey's birthday party but I doubt that they will let me. I mean I'm sick, I'm really really sick. I don't think they will let a really hopeless, sick, almost dead girl out of the hospital.

That would be like a dream come true but deep down I know that I will never escape this hospital alive. I remember Hope. Not hope the thing but Hope the person. Maybe I will see her again. Or maybe she's already cancer-free and outside in the real world.

I remember the other girl. The one I didn't name. The one that's dead probably laughing at all of the suffering people that aren't dead yet. I wonder what it's like to be up there. Do you just watch everyone? Or only your family?

Now I'm completely lost in my thoughts. I'm so lost that it's like I took a wrong turn on the way home from school and ended up in a big forest, My house doesn't have a forest near. I keep thinking until something snaps me out of my thoughts.

I hear the loud ringing of the ambulance.

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