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AUTHOR NOTE: How about a princess and the pauper au? Anybody down for that? *raises hand* Me! I am! So, the plot will most likely be heavily based off the old Barbie: Princess and the Pauper movie I used to watch all the time as a kid. I just loved that one.

Also, since I don't have other names in mind, I will use (Possibly modified versions of) their earth-2 villain names.

And whoops... here comes the cliché opener... Sorry, couldn't help myself, had to.

Once upon a time, on a warm summer's eve, two identical baby girls were born. No, they were not twins, but besides their hair color they very well could have been had they been born of the same parents.

One child had incredibly light blonde hair, so light it was almost white. Her eyes were a pale and icy blue. She was the new daughter to the King and Queen, and was the crown Princess to the land. She was named Frost for she reminded her royal parents of winter. What surprised her parents was that her eyes could change color, from their blue they turned brown. It seemed random, so they did not know what was happening to their child. What they did not know, was that it was nothing more than her emotions. When she felt a warm and fuzzy feeling for someone, love for someone, the ice in her eyes sometimes melted away to reveal the ground.

The other child had light, chestnut-y colored hair and deep brown eyes. Her parents were poor, and training to become doctors and healers for the village. She was named Caitlin, a name her parents chose with care.

Both parents loved their new daughters deeply, but being born into such different lives they of course grew to be very different girls. Caitlin's parents could not provide all that the royal family could, so they had to borrow money to take care of her, which put them into debt. As she grew old enough, she began working that debt off for them.

The princess received only the best education from her private tutor. While Caitlin worked tirelessly, sewing all through the day and sometimes the night as well. Even with so little time to herself, she still read any book she could get her hands on and especially books on medicine. She was inspired to become a healer like her father and her mother, who served as his assistant. They also worked tirelessly to pay off their debt, but it seemed so high they feared they would never reach it.

Frost learned the art of sword fighting. She had insisted upon it, and her parents found they could not deny her this wish. She reasoned, it was only fair she learn, after all it was a valuable skill.

Caitlin learned how to take care of herself, finding a way when it seemed all may be lost to her. She quietly started treating women as their primary physician. Any woman who came to her seeking help was never turned away, and because of this, women around the town had begun to want only her to treat them. This was all secret of course, who in their right mind would teach and train a woman to be a physician? To take care of anything more than childbirth or simple things that do not need a doctor. People scoffed at the idea.

It seems unbelievable, the thought that these two girls would ever meet. But meet one day, they would. And their worlds would come crashing down around them before being rebuilt stronger and better than they could have ever imagined.


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