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            That same day, Caitlin rose with the sun as she did every other day to find some breakfast for herself before she started working. She spent the days sewing and mending, doing tedious needlework, making gowns and finery even fit for royalty. In fact, the dress-shop was indeed one that the royal families bought many a gown from.

Finally, in the bit of free time she had she left the confining quarters of the shop's basement workshop and went out to see to the women townsfolk, tend her secret patients.

Going up to her first stop she knocks on the door and greets the young man who answers. "Good morning Wallace. May I see your mother Francine?"

"Oh, of course." He moves aside and waves her in. She checks Francine over, and does what she can to help her before being on her way once more. As she walks, she sings and hums softly to herself.

After all her patients, have been attended to, she finds herself in the main square, sitting in front of a fountain and reading a journal of medical knowledge. One she's already read at least three times.

There is set of shouts, both of pain and surprise and she shoots to her feet, hurrying to see what is wrong. What she finds is a young child, only about seven or eight, had taken quite the fall and broken their left arm. "Oh dear." She gasps, and seeing no others tending to the poor child as other physicians were not around she steps in and kneels beside her. "May I?" she holds her hands out towards his arm, and she nods, "You may."

She grabs some wood and rope and as she fashions a splint and sling she talks to her, keeping her calm. "This might hurt a little bit sweetheart. What's your name?"

"Emma." She sniffles. "Emma, what a pretty name for a pretty girl. My name is Caitlin. Tell me Emma, what do you like to do?"

"Um..." She wipes at her tears, "I like to play with my dolly and help mother in the bakery."

"Oh, wonderful. What's your dolly's name?"

"Mona." She sniffles, "She's really pretty with black yarn hair and blue green beads for eyes."

"She sounds lovely. What do you like to help your mother with at the bakery?"

"I like to-"she hiccups, "I like to help mix stuff together."

"I bet you're a wonderful helper Emma." Caitlin smiles as she finishes tying the knots. "And guess what, I'm all done. Now, you just have to be really careful with your arm now until it's healed. Can you do that?" She tilts her head as she brushes the young girls brown hair out of her face.

"Uh huh." She nods, sniffling once more.

"Oh, Emma!" A woman comes running up from the other side of the street, out of a bakery. "Emma dear are you alright?" The tall woman is frantic as she crouches down next to them.

"She took quite a spill, broke her arm even. But she'll be alright." Caitlin turns to the mother, giving a comforting smile, "She needs to be very careful with it until it's healed. If there's any problems, please either call for me or another physician." She tells her calmly, before gently helping the little girl up to her feet.

"Oh thank you, how can we repay you?"

"No need, just take care of her arm." Caitlin laughs softly, "And makes sure to have it looked at by a doctor regularly to make sure it's healing properly."

"Mommy---" The little girl tugs on her dress and whispers in her ear, softly enough that Caitlin can't make it out.

"Caitlin, is it?" She nods, "Emma is just terrified of doctors, but she seems to like you a lot. Would you mind so terribly coming by to check on her once in awhile?"

"I would love to." She squeezes her shoulder softly, "I'll come by, say, in two weeks to look at it. If something happens before then, send someone to the High Couture dress shop down the road. That's usually where you'll be able to find me."

With that the mother took little Emma back inside.

"Oh wow," A woman's voice cut through the noisy air, "I've never seen another woman taking on the role of a doctor before." A girl stepped up beside her, the blue hood of her cape obscuring her face.

"Ever since I was young, I wanted to help people." Caitlin turns and the other girl gasps before lowering her hood.

"You look just like me." Both girls gasped, their mouths dropping open slightly as they examined each other.

"Well, besides the hair." Caitlin shrugs, "We could be twins."

"Can your eyes change to blue?" The blonde girl asks her, demonstrating the strange sounding question.

"No, I don't think so." She shakes her head, "I'm Caitlin by the way."

"Frost." she smiles.

"You have the same name as the Princess." Caitlin exclaims and the other girls shrugs, "I am the princess."

"Oh, your highness." Caitlin dips into a quick curtsey.

"Oh, no need." She waves it off.

"Here you go Princess." A man's voice interrupts their conversation and they turn to him simultaneously. Confusion fills his expression and he almost drops the drinks he was carrying.


"Firestorm, this is Caitlin. Caitlin, this is my tutor Firestorm."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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