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            Frost sighed, shaking her blonde curls from her face as she did her best to remain still for the seamstresses. Although she was not pleased with the engagement, she at least wanted everything to fit her vision of what she wanted. Her dress was beautiful, and she had it specially designed. She even drew out plans for everything from how she wanted the cake to look and all the way down the smallest of decoration decisions.

She only wished she was marrying the person she loved, which wasn't the young prince Ronald.

Interrupting her lamenting thoughts, a maid came through the door and her mother exclaimed, "Oh look dear, another engagement gift!" Accepting it, the present was put with the others on a table.

"You can move now Princess. We're done with your dress for now." A maid softly told her, giving her an encouraging smile, squeezing her shoulder gently.

"Thank you." She whispered back, giving her hand a small squeeze before stepping off the pedestal.

"Oh darling, you are going to be a beautiful bride." Her mother came closer and brushed her hair back over her shoulders. "Your father would have loved to see you on your wedding day." She sighed and Frost looked down, her chest tightening from sadness. "I miss father too." She admitted quietly before wrapping her arms around her mother, and, after a moment's hesitation, her mother hugged her back. "I love you my darling daughter." She whispered into Frost's ear.

"And I love you, mother." She whispered back.

Pulling back her mother brushed her hands on her skirts, smoothing it out, "I have much to do. I shall join you for supper."

"Of course," Frost bowed her head in acceptance, "I shall see you at supper."

After her mother departed, the maids helped her out of the wedding dress and into a regular gown. Finally finished meeting with the seamstress she wandered aimlessly around the halls, not looking for anything in particular. Passing a training room, she found herself stopping and stepping closer to peer through the opened door when the sounds of clashing metal rang in her ears. Her breath caught in her throat as she watched her tutor in all things, Firestorm, training with members of the royal guard.

Her only focus now was him, she watched quietly as he fought and trained with various members of the royal guard. His movements were smooth and precise, focused only on his training. Biting her lip, she peeled herself away from the door, blushing as she did so at the thought of her intrusion into his personal time, training, and such. It didn't help much that he was rather sweaty and his strong arms were bare. Her imagination ran wild with that, but she did her best to keep it in check.

Frost sighed softly to herself as she hurried down the hallway to find something decidedly more appropriate to busy her mind with.

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