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Years passed and both girls grew into beautiful women. Hardships had hit them both, their fathers passed during the beginning of their adolescent years and their mother's both pulled away, the pain from losing a husband felt greatly. It wasn't until they were both seventeen that they would happen to meet.

This kingdom was known for being rich in its mining of gold, but slowly the mine seemed to provide less and less. The queen was worried how she would continue to provide for her people. Options seemed to dwindle before her eyes, until finally she knew what she had to do. She had always promised her daughter she would have a say in her life, and it broke her heart a bit more to know she would be breaking that promise.

So, she began searching for kingdoms that could help provide for their people with young princes or kings in need of a bride until finally she found one. Quickly she arranged for the marriage, and just like that her daughter was engaged, and to a total stranger no less.

It would be a lie to say the daughter was pleased, of course she was devastated by the news. However, she knew it was her duty to take care of her people and so she accepted her fate.

And so here, begins the real story. For soon before the Princess Frost's marriage was to take place, both girls would be caught in a whirlwind of an adventure.


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