Untitled Part 4

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            Not long after she left the doorway to the training room, Frost found herself in the expansive library lost among the many books and she instead busied herself with readings. She began leafing quickly, and skimming through some books, some music, some history, some even medical.

By the time anyone came to find her she was immersed in a journal filled with fighting techniques. This included sword fighting, which is what Firestorm was doing with the royal guard. "There you are." A voice rang through the silence and she smiled to herself, not looking up.

"Firestorm." She greeted while she examined the images drawn on the page.

Shaking his head with a smile he approached her, "What has you so captivated princess?" he asked, leaning on the back of her chair.

"Fighting techniques." She finally looked up, tilting her head so she could see him properly. Smiling she turned in her chair so she was in a more comfortable position and crossed her ankles.

He pauses a moment before responding, "I spoke with the Queen, and she sends is very sorry that she will be unable to attend dinner with you this eve."

"Oh." Frost looked back down, sadness creeping in. Her mother had not been able to make it to dinner as she promised the last few months, and rarely had time for her anymore.

"However," he moved to kneel by the side of her chair and her eyes flickered back up to him, "I have decided to take you on an outing to the town." His eyes look hopeful, and a small smile tugs at her lips once more. "That sounds lovely." She closes the book before standing up with him, "When shall we go?"

"Now, if you'd like."

She laughs, and he offers her his arm, which she takes immediately. Walking together, they make their way to the courtyard and he assists her, helping her get into the carriage. It only takes a short amount of time for them to get down to the village, and she smiles as she watches out the window at everything that passes.


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