Author's Note

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Okay, I'm having big-time writers block. I know the last chapter was complete crap, and the next one will be too if I don't figure something out.

This is a problem.

I'm going to post the next chapter sometime today or tomorrow, but please forgive me for its suckiness - I really don't know what to do. I will come back and fix it later if something suddenly occurs to me, but I'm not having high hopes at the moment.

Also, for those of you who care: The next chapter of Rogue may or may not be coming up, I know I've been holding off on you guys. I discovered I had written a chapter a long while ago and not posted it, so that's where that's coming from.

Thanks you guys for your support, we're almost at 700 reads - crazy, right?! Not to mention 62 votes...yikes. You guys are amazing - I'm just thrilled to bits!

Now look what you've done, I'm getting mushy, you people are turning me into a regular marshmallow.

Well I must go now, I have books to be updating, and - 

POOP. I FORGOT ALL ABOUT THE CHARACTER CONTEST. AGH. Okay, next chapter will be an author's note on that, so if you don't care, you can just skip it.

Thanks Moonshiners, buh-bye :3 -Hazel

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