Thanksgiving Eve!

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When I got downstairs, Red was sprawled on the couch, staring at the ceiling and twiddling her thumbs. Darry was reading Old Yeller in armchair, and Soda was sitting on the floor with his legs crossed like a little kid, playing solitaire.

Soda looked up. “Where have you been?”

“I took a walk to Siberia,” I replied sarcastically.

“Why didn't you take me?” Red demanded, still staring at the ceiling.

I shrugged, going over to the couch and sitting on her legs. She frowned, but didn't move.

“Ow. You're heavy.”

“You should have been around a couple months ago,” I said, moving her legs so I could sit. “I was at least twenty pounds heavier.”

She tilted her head towards me, her brow furrowed. “What happened between then and now that triggered a twenty pound difference?”

“Hey, Little Red,” Soda interrupted suddenly. “Are you sure you don't wanna play poker with me?”

Red sighed. “I've had informants recommend against it. You have quite a reputation for cheating.”

Soda grinned lopsidedly. “Who would tell you that?”

“The Siberians,” Red said cheekily, winking at me.

“I'll have to give them a fist to the nose for spreading such nasty rumors,” Soda grumbled in a mocking manner.

Darry cleared his throat. “Oh, Red, I wanted to ask you something,” Darry said, looking up from his book.

“What is it?”

“Well, next Monday, Thanksgiving vacation will be over. Soda and I will be going back to work, and Pony's going to be back in school.”

Red nodded, her eyebrows raising in worry. “Okay. Do you want me to...make myself scarce? Since no one is going to be around?”

Darry shook his head quickly. “No, no, that 's not what I meant at all. I was...uh...wondering if you'd like to enroll in school here.”

Red's eyes grew wide. “ Middle school? With classes and things?”

Darry nodded, and I was disbelieving. It hadn't occurred to me that Red could possibly be schooled here. Now that I thought about it, it was a really good idea. Something to take up her time. But then again, maybe it wasn't such a good idea. Red wasn't one to hold still or concentrate. And she wasn't so good with people—which a school, rightfully so, is full of. But she had been to school before. She knew the system, and maybe there was a way to have checks and balances, to keep her on her toes, but able to take the pressure.


“What?” I asked.

Red shook her head vigorously. “I can't.”

I frowned. “Why not?”

“You don't understand. I just can't.”

Darry smiled reassuringly. “I know it can be intimidating, but you can catch up quickly enough. Pony and I can help you out. He's a smart kid,” Darry added proudly.


“Oh, c'mon Red!” I pleaded. “What could go wrong? You get bad grades, so what? It hasn't actually mattered since third grade, so what's to lose?”

She seemed to ponder it, biting her lip. Her eyebrows were creased, and she seemed to have trouble coming to a decision. “I really don't think this is a good idea.”

“Oh c'mon,” Soda piped up. “If you feel the need to drop out, there's no pressure. I did it and I'm a-okay,” he said, smirking.

Red conceded. “Alright. But—“

“You'll be fine,” Soda said in resolve.

But Red still looked doubtful.


That night, things had calmed down around the place.

Two-Bit stopped by to inform us that he was going to occupy the couch tonight, but unfortunately, so did Steve. They wrestled around for a while, and eventually it was decided that Steve had the floor for tonight.

With the house full of people awaiting the holiday, it seemed like the air was filled with a new-found zeal, and music and laughter permeated every wall in the house. I could tell Red enjoyed it. Her eyes shined happily, even though her healing cuts were a painful reminder of the ordeal earlier. But that didn't seem to matter to her. She baked a pie early, which we ate quicker than pigs, and the smell of turkey was delicious. The excitement was tangible.

Thanks for the reading! Sorry this is so short. Next part in progress, I promise. 99% of the time, I've already stared the next part by the time this one is up, so hurrah!

On a slightly different note~

My close friend, @LaurenFobes123 and I, have collaborated on a Two-Bit fanfiction in dedication to another one of my friends, @Debstep - Titled Finding MinnieIf you like Two-Bit, or you're bored, or some other half-fathomable reason, check it out! I will be writing both at once, but Lauren covers half of the Minnie one, so it shouldn't be too bad. Thanks, Moonshine!


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