The Ribbon

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“Go back. Now. We're going back,” I whispered.

“What?” Ponyboy protested. “But you're the one that—”

I spun around to leave. “Something's wrong. They shouldn't be—”

But Two-Bit grabbed the back of my jacket. “You brought us over here, so now we're gonna find out what's goin' on. This place has been empty for years—we're gonna find out why there're suddenly people here.”

They didn't understand. I could feel it, like a heavy weight in the bottoms of my lungs that couldn't be removed. It felt like I was choking, suffocating, even though I was breathing fine. I needed to get out of here. Something was wrong with this house—that was obvious. I could see the ghost standing on the porch, now turned to us with surprise on her face. That was what was wrong. This place was haunted—and she was the haunt. Could they not see her? I hate ghosts. They...they frighten me. I'm actually afraid of them. You can't kill something that's already dead. But something that's already dead can kill you.

“Two-Bit...” I protested, but then the ghost began to move towards us. My vision tunneled. I can't breathe. I need to get out of here. Stop it.

The ghost spoke, but I couldn't understand her. Her wavy black hair contrasted greatly with her milky skin, and her lifeless silver eyes bored into me. And her lips...was that...blood? It must have been. How could they not notice her?

I was going to put her out, until Two-Bit said, “Howdy there, ma'am.” He approached her and held out a hand to her. Why would he want to touch her? The same thing seemed to occur to her, but she took his hand after a moment, and smiled bloodthirstily at him.

“I'm Two-Bit—” he began to introduce himself before she interjected.

“I know you are. And that right there is Ponyboy. My, Pony, have you ever grown!” she hissed hungrily, releasing Two-Bit's hand. His face was etched was etched with surprise.

Fuck. She was coming this way. Crap, crap, crap. I got ready to run—I didn't want to be her next victim. I felt an arm encircle me, and almost jumped before I realized it was Ponyboy. What was he doing, trying to get us killed?

“I remember when you were wee little, Ponyboy. Such a cute child. Now you're all grown up though, into a very handsome young man, I must say. You look like your father...but you have your mother's eyes!” she said with distracted cheer. Must be wondering how to best set him up for a sacrifice.

I looked to his face to see that he was flushing. “Uh...thank you, ma'am...” he replied, nonplussed.

“Oh, don't be so shy!” she cackled, and turned her cold silver eyes on me. I felt my heart skip a beat. She scared the living hell out of me. But I couldn't let her know that. She didn't need leverage. “Who is this pretty little lady?” she asked, smirking at me. “I don't believe I've met you!”

“I'm Red,” I tried to say as politely as possible without spitting in her face. Her smile flickered—maybe she knew I was onto her. Ponyboy poked me in the side, giving me a pointed look. I couldn't help rolling my eyes, but I took the hint: be nice.

So I plastered the most fake smile possible onto my face. “Hello. You are...?”

“Moving in? Why yes, we are! I used to live here! Or were you referring to my name? Of course you were! My name is Kathalia Prince, but you can call me Thalia. And these are my children, Dakota, Chloe, and Alexander! That other one isn't mine though, just a nice boy that happened to drop by,” she said in quick succession.

The Outsiders: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now