Chapter 9 The End of Monarchs

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Pepper was with Natalia, and they took an army into the east part of the castle. Soldiers who vowed to protect the princess, fought the resistance army. Prince Jason and Jacob attacked the west part of the army. Maggie led an army to the south of the castle while Jasmine and Joy lead the army through the north. Pepper was able to enter the castle, but she wasn't sure if she could leave Natalia alone.

"GO ON!" she shouted as she cast a whirlwind at some soldiers.

"Are you sure?" Pepper asked as she blocked an attack.

"Yes!" she answered her as she cast an ice spell.

Pepper nodded and ran to the throne room. Pierre saw the soldiers and resistance army attacking the palace! They were coming for his sister! He ran to his sister's room and found the cup! He took the cup and hide it behind his back. He approached her. She was looking outside the window and saw the fighting.

"Why..." she cried to herself.

Pietro replied "You did nothing wrong, Princess Serra"

She looked up at him and hugged him! He hugged her back but held the cup away from her.

"Thank you. For being loyal and always being here for me. If you have any request, please tell me" she replied to him.

"Switch clothes with me" he requested of her.

The two of them switch their clothing.

"You almost look like me" she laughed.

"Yeah I know. Now, get out of here" he said to her.

"Why?!" she cried to him.

He hugged her tight and let her cry for a while. He took the cup and moved them near a closet.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked him as tears fell from her face.

"Because, you are my twin sister. I will always protect you. I want you to live a long and healthy life" he replied as he brought the cup to her cheek.

She was freed from the Destruction of Pride, and she was shocked at him. She had believed he was dead for a majority of her life. He smiled at her and pushed her into the closet! She begged him not to go, but he walked out of the room and to the throne room. He placed the cup in the chair and waited for the resistance army to take him. Pepper broke through the doors of the throne room and found Princess Serra standing there.

"Princess Serra! You are hear by arrested for treason against your people!" Pepper stated as she pointed her sword at "her".

"Oh, really why?" "she" replied with an evil smile.

"You have killed innocents and destroyed a country!" Pepper shouted as two resistance guards grab "her".

"Princess Serra" screamed in horror at their rudeness as they carried her away. "She" was locked away in a cell in the dungeons. "Her" death would be on her birthday. The real Serra looked around her room and quietly walked out. She wandered around the empty castle. She looked for her twin brother, but she knew he was gone. She escaped the castle as the resistance army left the castle. As "Princess Serra" was placed in the cell, "she" began to look at the cell.

"Sigh. She's safe" "she" said calmly.

"She" walked to the bars of the cell and saw nothing. It was empty. "She" wondered about her friends. Where they ok? Where they safe? "She" sat in the cell and prayed for their safety. Meanwhile, Pepper and the resistance army were celebrating the capture of the Princess. The monarchs would be dead by tomorrow! Natalia and Jacob sat and drank some water with Maggie. They weren't sure how to feel. They were loyal and friends with the princess. However, Jacob notice that Jasmine and Joy were not with them. Jasmine and Joy headed for the castle and began to look for the cup.

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