The Woes Of A Pikachu (Pokémon) Ash/Pikachu

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“Oh no, Pikachu!  Are you okay?  Get up!” Ash yells, staring at the small electric Pokemon.

“Pika pii,” mutters Pikachu.  ‘Do I look okay?  I was just roasted with a flamethrower.  Use a potion on me, you ass!’  Pikachu reluctantly stands up, looking at the Magmar.

“Okay Pikachu, use thunderbolt!”  Ash yells, excitedly.

“Pii, Pika, Pika!”  Pikachu says loudly.  ‘Do you not realize that this isn’t working?’  The little yellow Pokémon’s’ cheeks flare, as sparks shine, before a large and fearful thunderbolt strikes out, electrocuting the Magmar.

The Magmar flinches and hunches over, its flames simmering a bit.

“Good, now use iron tail!”  Ash says, bouncing up and down.  Pikachu lets out a sigh.

“Pikaaaaaa….CHU!” The Pikachu yells.  ‘I had better get a few Oran berries for this!’  The Pikachu then smashes its tail into the Magmar, as the red Pokémon collapses.

Pikachu huffs, and then runs back to the excited Ash.  The young boy hugs his Pikachu lovingly.

“You did great buddy!  Let’s go and get you rested up,” Ash coos.  Pikachu sighs and snuggles into him.

“Pika…”  ‘Why do I even love you, boy.’ 

Pikachu smiles.

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