The Rules Of Youth! (Naruto) Gai/Kakashi

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“You do realize we’re at 49:50, right? I’m winning still!” Gai yelled happily, winking afterwards.  Kakashi slowly glances at him, reading his book.  He didn’t look even the slightest bit interested.

“I let you win, Gai.” Kakashi states monotonously, before turning his attention back to his book.  Gai frowns and places his hands on his hips.

“That isn’t how this rivalry is supposed to be Kakashi!  You must follow the rules!” Gai belts out.  Kakashi sighs, snapping his book closed so he could look at the man in the green jump suit.

“There aren’t any rules, Gai.”

“Yes there are!  They’re called The Rules of Youth!” Gai yells, fist pumping the air. 

“Whatever you say, Gai.  I’ll see you around, I think I see a cat stuck up in a tree,” Kakashi says, smiling.  He returns the book to his pouch, and does a few hand signs, before disappearing in a poof of smoke.

“Running away!?  That means its 49:51!  I’m in the lead Kakashi!” Gai yells, his eyes twinkling.

He then laughs, his hands placed on his hips.

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