I Got Your Nose! Oh Wait... (Harry Potter) Voldemort

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The Dark Lord of the Wizarding world was having a bad day, and he was sure Harry Potter could tell.  The pale man scowls, as he looks outside.  It was dark and bleary, and he was feeling about the same.  Weak, and unfulfilled.  With a snarl, he turns his head to whoever had just entered his lonely room.

“What do you want, Argon?” Voldemort asks, staring at the newest Death Eater with cold, calculating eyes.  The man gives him a lopsided grin, and stops in front of the Dark Lord.  He bows, and then looks up at the pale man.

“You looked glum, so I thought I’d try to cheer you up, with a few muggle magic tricks!” Argon says.

Voldemorts’ glare darkens considerably, but the man fails to notice.

Argon takes out a top hat, and grins brightly, showing Voldemort the inside of it.  It was empty.  He then moves his hand over the top, making some muttering noises.  He then extracts a white bunny from it.

Voldemort doesn’t even blink.

Argon then discards the hat (and the bunny) before grabbing a deck of cards from his cloak.  He shuffles them, and then draws a card, showing it to Voldemort.

“Remember the card!” Argon says.  He then shuffles again, flipping a card.  “Was this the card?”

No response.

Argon taps his chin, tossing the cards aside.  He then grins, quickly reaching towards the Dark Lords face, pulling back.  “I got your nose!”

Voldemort growls.

Argon’s eyes widen.  “Oh…wait.”

Voldemort stands up and pulls his wand out, pointing at Argons head.  “Avada Kedavra!”

In a flash of green light, Argon crumples to the ground.  Breathing heavily, the Dark Lord sits down, and looks out the window again.

He smirks.

“What do you know, I actually do feel better.”

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