Chapter 17

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His eyes look straight at me as his jaw relaxes as I let a small smile out.  He has a small smile on his face, which causes the corners of his eyes to crinkle in the most attractive way.  

“Does Sean dance with you like this?” He asks with curiosity evident in his voice.

 “Cody, why do you keep asking about Sean?” I ask as he pulls me into his bare chest.

“I want to make sure that you are happy,” He says as I lean my head on his chest. 

“I am Cody, I feel like there is something that you want to tell me that you aren’t…” 

“Sean, he is the issue. He isn’t who you think he is… trust me.”  He says as he continues to sway to the music that doesn’t exist, but for some reason, we can both hear the same beat.

“Sean, is… Sean is a good kid… as long as no alcohol involved.” I say as he rests his chin on the top of my head. 

“What aren’t you telling me Kendra?” He asks, as his warm body presses against mine while the cool morning are sends a chill through my body.

“Nothing, Cody if something happened to me, you would be the first person I would tell.” I lie blankly to his face.

“Do you promise?” He asks with his voice full of concern and anxiety. 

“Yes Cody, I promise.  Why would I hide anything from you?” I ask trying to get the truth out of him.

“Well, because you and Sean are well, a thing and we… never mind.” 

“What are we Cody?” I ask with a quick tone.

“We are… just friends…” When he says these words they cut through me. Like a knife.

“Really?” I say as I pull away from his grip and turn away from him.

“Yes.” He says as he holds firm to his original answer. 

All I do is turn away and grab my bag and walk up to where I was parked.  My tissues make their way out of my purse and I blot my eyes with them.  I am so done with looking weak in front of Cody.

“So you are just going to run away from your problems like you always do?” He yells from across the beach that has become quite crowded.  All of the eyes turn to look at Cody and I.

“Cody, I'm can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep letting my heart think for itself.  It just keeps going back to you.  I would do anything for it to go somewhere else.  Now, all of a sudden we are friend-zoned. What the fuck?  Do you think that you can just dance with me and tell me how much you care about me and then just go and tell me we are just friends? Is that what you think? That isn’t how society treats people.  It just isn’t!  Do you understand me now?”  I yell at the top of my lungs as the tears roll down my cheeks.

“But Kendra, I meant all those things, I do care about you!” 

“Well, you obviously don’t!  Cody, figure out who you are, and who you want to be!  Then come back to me when you can actually act like a decent human.”

“Kendra!” He yells as I walk away.

I hear his bag ruffle and I see him pull his phone out. 

“Emily?” He says into the receiver.

 “Hey, come to sandal beach now.” He says with a large sick smile.

“Go fuck Emily for all I care!” I yell to him as he hangs up the phone.

“Who says I haven’t already?” He yells back to me.

Immediately the stories that Emily told me about her and Cody come rushing back.  Their intertwined bodies, their lips touching.  What if Cody told her that he loves her?  I march past the tiki bar and of course, Kelly is there when I don’t want to see her.

“Kendra!” She yells as she pours an elderly woman a fruity drink. 

“I have to go! I’ll text you.” I say without turning to face her so that she doesn’t see the tears streaming down my face. 

I run to the parking lot without my shoes and as a result the black asphalt burns the bottom of my feet.

 I finally reach the car and I get in and I begin to ball my eyes out.  “Just friends…” The words just keep replaying in my head.   “Run away from your problems like you always do.” No, not this time. 

I gather the pieces of my dignity off the floor and walk out of the car while trying to gain some self-composure. 

I run down to the beach to see Cody talk to a group of slutty girls barely wearing enough fabric to me the qualification of clothing.

 Desperate times call for desperate measures.  I pull the shirt off and walk down to the shore to a group of very attractive men with amazingly muscular bodies. 

“Hey!” I say in a very perky tone.

“Well hello there.” Says one of the attractive boys.

“I'm Kendra!”

“I'm Chad.”  The attractive boy with sandy blond curly hair that looks just like Harry Styles’s Hair says.

“Well, are you here with anyone today?” I ask while examining that the group of boys I chose were complete tools.

“Hopefully I will be leaving here with you.” The tall statured boy says.

I smile until I hear, “Well, you are going to be disappointed.” Cody says from behind me

“And why is that?” The tall hottie threatens Cody. 

“Because I say so.  She is too good for you. Fuck, she is too good for everyone.”

“Awe, Kendra, it looks like pretty boy here has a crush.”

“Shut up.” Cody says back in a flat tone. 

“Make me.” Chad challenges Cody. 

Cody steps up to the tall boy and they eye each other down and then Cody throws a punch at Chad’s beautiful face.

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