Chapter 20

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I ignore my phone that repeatedly buzzes in my pocket.  I run up to where Emily is standing with a sinister smile on her face as she looks at me and laughs.

“Why do you do this?” I ask when I reach her.  I have to try to bottle up my anger or else she would we across the beach with a red swollen hand prink on her face.

“You mean get boys to like me?  Or do you mean why do I always look so fabulous?”

“No, I mean why are you such a bitch?”  I say as I stare into her deep brown eyes as the images of her and Cody play through my mind over and over again.

“Well, I’m not the bitch here.  Take a look in the mirror Ken, you look like that and I look like this, why would a boy ever go for you over me?” She says as if she was prettier than Miss America.

“Well, one reason may be because I actually have a heart and I’m not some stupid ass bitch who will sleep with any guy that will even look at you.”  I say back with every syllable exaggerated exactly as planned.

“But, I look like this.” She says and she motions to herself with her hands and gives a sly smile.

“Exactly.” I say while trying to hold in my laugh.

“Well, at least we know which one of us Cody loves.” She says with a wink, and immediately I want to walk away so that I don’t have to listen to her lame ass excuses that will only make my doubt mine and Cody’s relationship even more.

“Really? And who is that?” I ask with way more confidence in my voice than I feel right now.

“Me, duh.  Or he will after he sees this.” She says when she pulls her phone out to show me the picture of Gabe and I hugging on the beach… exactly where we danced earlier that day.  Beneath the message shows that he read it at 4:54.  Exactly when he texted me. Shit.  I don’t even want to take out my phone to see what he has to say. My eyes scan up through the few messages that I can see.

*No, not you her.* was the last message that I see from Cody to Emily.

The caption beneath the picture of my earlier embrace says:

*Still her?*

After that the texts stop.  No one knows what Emily has ever said to him but I'm not worried about that I am worried about not taking a tiki torch and lighting Emily’s fake blonde hair on fire.

“You truly are the sickest person I have ever met.”  I say when I look up from her phone.

“I know what I’m doing in the game I like to call revenge.” Emily says with a grimace on her face.

“What did I even do to get you to want revenge?” I ask trying to dig past the thick layers of hate that she has.

“What didn’t you do?  You were a complete bitch.  Cody liked me, until you threw yourself at him.” She snaps.

“I never threw anything at him, why would I? I didn’t need to, he already liked what he saw from that morning.”

“What did he see?” She asks with less confidence than she had before when she was talking with such hatred.

“You don’t need to know.” I say while enjoying the pain that I am causing her by letting her mind imagine the worst possible things that could have happened.

“What ever, but Cody wont want you anymore because of what I told him.” She says as her sickening smile appears again.

“What did you tell him?” I ask as my heartbeat picks up pace.

“I told him that you and Gabe were making out.”  She states and lets out a giggle, but not the cute kind, the cackle kind.  I stare at the stripper with my mouth slightly open and my eyes large.

“Why?” I whine.

“Now we will see who Cody falls in love with.” She says and she turns around to walk away.  When her back is to me I put my middle finger up as she walks away.

I took out my phone and saw three texts from Cody.

*So, you and Gabe huh?*

*So, you can pull yourself away from his lips for a second to talk to me? The one who really cares about you, well used to at least.*

*And where we were dancing too… That’s bullshit Kendra, complete bullshit*

My heart breaks when I read the trio of his hurting words.  I can feel his pain, it is the same pain that I feel when I saw him and the stripper formally known as Emily.

*I didn’t kiss him* I type back, and within seconds he has read it and the bubble indicating that he is typing appears.

*well, you look pretty comfy with him, aye?* and  the picture of Gabe and I appears on the screen as I curse at Emily under y breath.

*I told him that I broke up with sean, so he was comforting me* I lie to him again.

*what?* the simple one word reply indicates that he still cares, because he didn’t say that he was sorry, he just wanted to confirm that he read my text right.

*Yeah, because of the whole water thing* I type but realize that I hadn’t told Cody, but there was that damn swoosh sound reaffirming my stupidity for send the message.

*What?* He says again.

*It’s nothing, trust me.* I type trying to cover up my major flaw.

*tell me* he replies back extremely quickly.

I read the message but put my phone back in my pocket and walk down to where Gabe was but left after I ran off rudely.

I sit and think about Cody, Cody, Cody, and Cody.  He isn’t one to give up easily, on anything.  Especially secrets.  He finds out everything form everyone.

I feel familiar warm hands cover my eyes and I turn to see Cody standing over me with a worried expression on his face.  He sits down beside me and looks over to have his eyes meet mine.

“The texting wasn’t working for me.” He says with a small smile.

“Why are you here?” I ask with absolutely no emotion in my voice.

“For this,” He says as he gently moves my arms down so that I am laying flat on the ground.  He leans over and kisses me.  His warm lips wrap around mine as he shifts his body to get closer to me.  He pulls away.

“What was that?” I ask in a low whisper.

“Do you want more?” He asks as he breathes on my jawline.

“Yes.” I manage to choke out.

He leans back in and pecks my lips again.

“Kendra,” He whispers in my ear, “What happened with the water?” He says and leans back in to kiss me again.

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