Chapter 32

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“Answer me.” I say when Gabe looks straight ahead instead of answering the question I had asked him a small while ago.

“What do you even mean?” Gabe asks as he bites at the inside of his cheek as the street lights cast a large amount of light on his face as he pulls up to a stoplight.

“What do you think I mean?” I ask while I press my foot into the carpet of his car as the water in my sock dries out slightly and leaves a dark mark on the fluffy material.

“Why would you even consider that?” He asks and the conversation Cody and I had under the bed comes back.

“You throw him under the bus, he is gonna drag you with him.” I say simply and his eyes go wide.

“Wait, Cody was there?” Gabe asks as he jolts the brakes and I am thrown back into my seat by the quick stop.

“Um, no.” I lie.  I forgot that Gabe was in on Gabe’s drug deal.  I may have just gotten Cody into some deep shit.

“But- you just-“ He stutters as he wears a confused expression oh his face.  His forehead is slightly crinkled as he furrows his brow in uncertainty.

“Never mid that. Are you part of the drug deal or not?” I ask again, “This time I want the real answer.”

“No, I’m not.” He says as he looks over to see me and his eyes look innocent.  The way he stares at me in concern makes me feel as if I shouldn’t be worrying that this boy could possibly do anything to hurt me. 

I am still confused on why Cody was saying this. Why would Cody lie to me?  Then again, why would Cody do a lot of things?  Ugh.  The thought of Cody makes my skin crawl and makes me want to cry.  The words he said.

I got bored.

His cool distant tone.

I got bored.

The horrific words play in my mind over and over.  I want to learn more about this boy.  I want to help him.  I need to help him.  My breathing had picked up and I hadn’t even realized that my anger for Gabe had completely disappeared.  I’m not mad anymore, I just want answers.

“Gabe.  Please don’t lie.  I just want answers.  I just need answers.” I say and emphasize each word as if I was talking to a seven year old.

“I know.  If I could give you answers, you know I would.” The old Gabe might have, but I’m not sure of this Gabe. He worries me.

“You’re just like all of them.” I say and press my forehead against the cold glass window.

“No, Kendra.  You know I’m not like them.” He says as his grip on the steering wheel tightens and I can see the veins in his hands bulge out.

“Are you?” I asked as I grabbed my ponytail and messed with the split ends of the long hair that smelled of the ocean and the cocoanut shampoo I used the night before.

“You know I’m not.” He says as he scratches at the leather.

“Since when are you and Sean so close?” I ask as the images of how relaxed Sean was when Gabe walked into the house on Prairie.

“We aren’t close.” He says as the concentration plays on his face.

“He seemed really chill when you showed up at the house.” I say and the wrinkles grow deeper as he focuses even further.

Gabe just sat there with a worried expression on his face as he stared at the empty side street he had pulled onto.

“Wait,” I say as the memory of the not so distant days play back, “Didn’t you and Sean get into a fight?”

Gabe’s large blue eyes grow wide as the panic covers his face.

“Yes.” He says as the color drains from his face.

“Hmm…” I say as I sit in the small car with a satisfied smirk on my face.

“Here?” He asks when we reach the street you have to turn onto to get to my house.

“Yeah…” I say hesitantly.

“What?” He asks as I pick at the thin fabric of my shorts.

“How do you know to turn here?” I ask as I scan my memory for any way that Gabe would know where I live.

“I was just assuming.” He mumbles as the familiar look of anxiety covers the boy’s face.

“There a lot of homes in California.” I say as the tension grows and I feel the vibrations in my purse as well as the minimal light from the screen.

“Yep.” He says without any emotion playing through in his voice.

“How did you assume where I live?” I feel bad for the boy I am interrogating.  I have never talked Gabe past my house, or my neighborhood or even taken him about where I live.

“I don’t know.  Were you alone in the house?” Gabe says trying to change the subject.  Not gonna work.

“Why do you care?” I say harshly as I try to avoid eye contact with Gabe as I had done with Cody multiple times.

“I don’t.  Just curious.” He says.

We pull up to the faded yellow house and he parks the car and unbuckles his seat belt with a loud click.

“Why are you getting out?” I ask as I hit the red release button on the belt.

“I was gonna walk you to your door.” He say and I remember I had told my mom that I was with my friend at dinner.

“You cant.” I say quickly as I gather the small amount of stuff I had with me.


“No big deal.” I say as I turn to walk out of the car.

“Thank you.” I say quietly as I walked over the healthy green grass toward the large white door.

I hear the engine of the blue car roar s he pulled away.  I walk up the steep cement steps that lead up to the front porch and slowly rummage through the bag to try to find my keys.  My hand brushes over my phone as a text from an unfamiliar phone number appears.  A link.

I shove the piece of junk back into my purse and I grab the keys and reach to unlock the door only to have it opened by my mom.  I walk past her and offer a small smile as I avoid interrogation from the woman standing in curlers and lavender pajamas.

“Where were you?” She asks as I begin to walk up the half flight of stairs to my room.  I stop in my tracks and turn to look at her. 

“Out.” I say back and turn to try for a second only to be stopped again.

“That wasn’t a familiar looking car.” She says with a small smirk.

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